36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 39

Well, Sienna has her own crew of readers who are thanking her and naming their daughters after her for her “contribution” to the indie community.

It makes you kind of sick when you hear it.


That’s how many search warrants have been issued to search everything in Cara’s life. I’ve made my Bookfinder lawyers available to Cara as she needs them but she’s also of the m

indset that she’s got nothing to hide.

And this is so fucking true. That’s one of the reasons that the authorities haven’t been able to find anything regarding Pure Smut For You on her computer, her accounts, her email, or her house. There is literally nothing connecting her to the site.

It makes me kind of wonder how Sienna was hoping to pull this off because it seems kind of incomplete.

“I think that Sienna had to play her hand before she was absolutely ready,” Derek says to me when I bring it up to him. I ruminate on it for a bit and realize that he may have a point.

“The domain for Pure Smut For You probably saw that they were starting to get hits and they looked at the IP addresses from the computers that were coming to it and realized it was coming from us,” Derek continues. “Sienna knew it was either go for it or watch her plans get thwarted.”

“That means that we were close to the source and pulling the plug,” Parker offers and I nod as well.

It’s strange, but the three of us have begun to operate more and more as a unit with each passing day.

It’s not hard to see why. Despite the fact we come from such different backgrounds and from various walks of life, we have one common thread that unites us all together.

We love Cara White. And we want to save her and protect her with everything that we have. Nothing else matters. No one else comes close. We’re fine sharing her if it means that she’s happy. She’s our queen. And we will do anything for her.

Strange words coming from someone like myself, huh?

Well, stranger things have happened that’s for sure. But nothing has ever happened to me that’s been as Cara.

And I’ll do anything to save her.


That’s how many days until we put our last plan together to save Cara. We’re going to the RGAA convention that’s being held and we’re going to pull out a few of our surprises now that Sienna has played her hand.

She wants to play with fire?

She better watch out for our hoses. Because it’s time to go to war.

Chapter 23


Faster, faster, I think to myself as I slam my feet down on the accelerator, my fingers gripping the steering wheel so tightly that the bones in my hand feel as if they’re on fire. The Aston swerves in and out of traffic like thunder, the roar of its engine making everyone’s heads turn as I drive by, but it doesn’t feel as if I’m going fast enough.

Dozens of people honk at me, and I even see some of them reaching for their phones; they’re probably calling the cops on me right now. But I don’t care about any of that. I have more pressing concerns right now.

Time’s moving fast, and I can almost feel the hand of the clock slowly ticking inside my head. We tried to call Cara the moment we found out about Sienna’s plan, but she isn’t picking up. We knew that the moment Sienna found out she had a dummy drive that she would move fast, and I’m afraid we’re already too late to stop her.

But all I can do right now is pray to God that the reason she isn’t picking up is because she’s busy.

“Take my car, go! We’re right behind you!” Parker told me the moment our second call didn’t go through. He simply threw the keys at me and I grabbed them mid-air; without a single word, I simply turned on my heels and bolted out as fast as I could. As I revved the engine of his Aston, I drove away so fast I must’ve left half the tires on the pavement.

Now, racing down the streets like a hurricane, I feel afraid. I have a bad feeling about the whole situation, and that feeling has already wrapped itself around my heart like briar thorn, becoming tighter and tighter each time my heart beats. Even though I’m doing my best to get to Cara before Sienna does, something tells me this is a battle I’ve already lost.

Shut the fuck up, I try and tell myself, just keep your eyes on the road.

When I finally stop in front of Cara’s apartment building, I just swerve the car onto the sidewalk and jump out of it as fast as I can, not even bothering to close the door behind me. I rush into the building and, so anxious that I can’t even wait for the elevator, I simply start running up the stairs.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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