36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 47

Oh, I wouldn’t mind that.

“Okay, okay. I get it,” Abby laughs, clapping her heads together and looking from me to the three men I’ve come to love. “I know where this road leads,” she continues, and then she nods at Lana again.

“Oh, right,” Lana whispers to herself. Digging inside her purse once more, she brings out a small key and just throws it toward my men (ah, it feels so good to say it like that). Parker grabs it as it comes down in an arch, and he curls his fingers fast around it.

“That’s the key for the Naughty Angel Publishing lobby. We have one set aside for our people to relax, and right now it’s completely empty,” Abby says, and her words don’t really need any kind of explanation. We have a key and a room that’s completely empty; what’s left to explain?

“Thank you, Abby, I really -”

“Oh, enough with that,” she merely chuckles. “Just go have fun. You’ve earned it.”

Well, if Abby’s the one saying it … who am I to disagree?

Chapter 31


Cara Angel.

I gotta be honest with you…it has a great ring to it.

I can’t believe what’s happened in just the last hour. From the jaws of defeat, we went to the throes of victory.

Well, I’m going to be in the throes of something else pretty soon, that’s for sure.

I’m walking with a quick pace toward the direction Abby pointed us to. God bless her and her private lobby.

I want to let go. To act out my relief and my joy and my happiness. It’s like it’s about to burst out of me.

I turn my head to see my three protectors flanking me as we walk down the hallways.

How lucky I am.

What I have come to realize is that I cannot live without Parker. I cannot live without Derek. And I cannot live without Mason. Each relationship is meaningful to me and each one has broadened my horizons in some important ways.

Mason has taught me the value of being a partner and he has unwavering faith in my abilities.

Derek has shown me how to be spontaneous and to add excitement to my life.

Parker as always is the truth-teller and being with him has reminded me of why I became an author in the first place, to always write and share my truths. I'm truly privileged to have been on this journey and to have learned so much about life. It's been a harrowing road at times when we were in the dark, but it has all been worth it.

That being said, everyone's eager to celebrate and to start looking forward.

We get to the lavishly appointed Naughty Angel Lounge.

“Business must be good,” Derek quips, whistling as he looks around the room, and I smile.

Very soon – I’ll be a part of this company.

Very soon, I’ll be an Angel.

Parker locks the door behind us, and Mason offers me a glass of wine from the fully stocked bar. I don't need something harder to steady my nerves...after all, all my nerves have melted away with what just happened. I just need the wine to warm me up and to help me unwind a little.

Butterflies no longer swirl in my stomach to the point of nausea when I'm around these guys, since now we have forged relationships that are based on something deeper. I feel safe to the point that I no longer have anxiety with each man. Things have turned a corner, and I know I'm loved and valued by each of them. And, I know we each have a deep understanding of each other and I'm no longer threatened by that or scared away from the intensity.

Coming up to me, his devilish grin on his lips, Mason pulls my face toward his and kisses me gently, though I know the depth of the emotion behind even the small kisses with him now.

I look at him and he hands me a glass of wine. "Mmmm, thanks, Mason. Pinot Noir is my favorite."

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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