Man Juice - Page 36

He’s undressing me with his bedroom eyes as a devilish and playful grin stretches across his gorgeous face.

“You look…” He trails off in wonderment as he continues to ogle me. “Absolutely fucking beautiful,” he finally finishes his sentence.

“Thank you,” I say and spin in a subtle little twirl.

“That dress really leaves little to the imagination,” he whispers into my ear. He smells delicious.

“This dress represents the new and improved version of Molly Quinn,” I confess.

“I like this new Molly Quinn,” Owen says as he intentionally brushes up against me so that I can feel the growing bulge in his pants.

“Should we go get a drink?” I ask and point to the bar area inside the lounge.

“Absolutely.” Owen nods and follows me inside.

Just as we’re about to hold hands, someone announces over the microphone that it’s time for Owen to give his founder’s speech.

So instead of heading to the bar, I follow him into a large reception hall where people are sitting at round tables eating catered salmon steaks and prime rib.

“You can sit up there with my best friend Victor.” He points to a table in the front.

“Okay,” I whisper and watch as Owen takes the stage. I can’t help but feel excited for him.

As I watch him stand at the podium on the stage, my heart swells with pride for being chosen to be at his side, celebrating this fantastic and well-deserved milestone for him.

He speaks with such love and respect for his colleagues, and I like how he mentions a slew of them by name, giving them praise and recognition.

That, to me, shows character and diplomatic behavior in a man, something I respect. Something Owen clearly has in spades. He’s also got the sexy smoldering look going on, and I wish I could jump his bones right there on the stage.

Everyone has a discretion point, though, and even the new Molly can’t take the passion and heat that far.

I have a fleeting moment of sadness as I watch him talk because I naturally compare myself to him. It’s just how I am. Loneliness gnaws at my mind. Owen got where he is all on his own, without the help or support of his parents.

I wish I could claim my own right to success, with or without my parents’ help. I have a feeling that, either way, I’m going to end up walking that road alone somehow.

When Owen’s speech ends, everyone erupts into applause and some people in the back even whistle. Owen looks humble as he climbs down the stage stairs, in the wake of a standing ovation that I’m happy to be a part of.



The vodka and lime slides easily down my throat and hits my belly with a warm splash. I check my watch and notice it’s getting late, but I’m nowhere near tired or ready to go home. I’m waiting for Owen to get back from making his rounds of the evening.

He’s been gone a while, but I don’t mind passing the time with a drink in hand. I’m sitting on a red velvet couch in the VIP lounge, people watching while others mingle on the other side of the door.

I stand up and walk over to the window and look down at the city below. Manhattan is so fucking beautiful at night, all lit up and dazzling.

I sip my vodka and lime again, taking a larger gulp. I look down at it. Fuck, it’s half empty already. Maybe I should slow down and pace myself, but it’s calming my jitters about what to expect from Owen tonight.

I guess I don’t have much time to think it through because in the same instant that I’m wondering what happens next, Owen’s smiling face walks through the door of the VIP lounge.

“Hey,” he says and gives me a wave.

“Hi,” I greet him and move from the window to embrace him in a hug.

He’s warm and burly, and oh so fucking sexy.

He’s wearing a tuxedo and his charming good looks are magnified by his sexy billionaire attitude.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024