Python - Page 29

I cry out loud as pain stings me again, but this time he isn’t using the belt to smack me; no, he’s using his open hand. He smacks me again and again, the rhythm of it keeping up with the steady beat of the music. I’m moaning like crazy, my voice quivering as I feel my nipples screaming to be set free from my bra, my pussy desperate to get rid of the thong.

“Stand up,” Austin whispers, and my body obeys. I stand up and turn on my heels to face him; with a smile, he throws the belt onto the floor and then, placing both his hands on my shoulders, pushes me back. I sit down on the chair as the music kicks into high gear, and Austin places both his hands on my knees and forces me to spread my legs. Standing up, he lifts his right leg and places his shoe right between my legs. I move as if I’m in trance, reaching for his shoe and untying it. I take it off, and then he switches legs and places his left foot between my legs. I do the same, untying his shoe and taking it off, and it seems that with every piece of clothing that comes out of Austin’s body the crowd goes crazier and crazier.

Taking the lead, I reach for his waist, allowing my fingers to slide down to his crotch, and I flatten the palm of my hand against his hard on. His thick shaft is already pushing against the fabric of his pants and against my fingers, and so I do the next logical thing: I pull his zipper down. The moment I do it, his hard cock pushes even more fiercely against his boxer briefs and I have to take a deep breath to stop myself from pulling both his pants and underwear down to his ankles. We’re on stage, right? So let’s put on a show for all these women.

I take my fingers back to his waistline, and slide them around it until they’re resting over his ass. Hooking my fingers on his pants and boxer briefs, I start to pull them down, baring his ass to all the horny women in the audience. They whistle and shout, going completely berserk as I reveal more inches of his body. Then, moving quickly, I push it all down to his ankles, his cock springing free right in front of my face.

Austin steps out of his clothing and then, picking up his boxers from the floor, throws them into the audience. I can only see shadows and silhouettes, but judging from the anxious sound from the women in the crowd, I know that some lucky girl has managed to snag Austin’s underwear. Swear to God, women can be raunchier than men.

Facing the crowd, Austin walks to the edge of the stage again and pushes his ruined shirt down his arms. The crowd gasps as he opens his arms and throws his head back, revealing his naked body in all its glory. Some of the women get up from their seats and walk up so that they can take a better look at Austin’s gigantic cock. From the corner of my eye, I see some of the security guys getting up from their discrete corners to position themselves between these women and Austin, but he just waves the men away. This is a women’s club, and Austin wants them to be as wild as they want to be. And that’s exactly what they do; they go to the edge of the stage, reaching for Austin and cry out in delight as they manage to brush their fingers against the naked skin on his legs.

Turning around, Austin walks back to me, his hard cock making me lick my lips in an unconscious motion. I need him inside my mouth again… And then I need him somewhere else too.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask, looking up at him as a knot in my throat starts to form. He smiles, deviousness painted on his lips.

“Whatever you want, babe. This is how we do things around here. You can do whatever the fuck you want, and you can go as fucking wild as you need to.”

“I can go fucking wild,” I tell him, a ball of anticipation forming in my stomach. Oh, I can be very, very wild.

“Then what are you waiting for?” he whispers, and I reach for him, placing both my hands on his ass and pulling him in. His cock bounces right in front of me and I just go for it; I take one hand to it and curl my fingers around its thickness, my skin prickling as I feel that sweet warmness of his spreading to my body.

I start moving my hand back and forth, biting on my lower lip as the whole room seems to go mad. Women are whistling and shouting things at the stage, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. I just feel the electricity hanging in the air, as if every single atom at Python was attuned to both Austin and I. Right now, we’re the center of the Universe.

Whatever you want, he told me, and I wonder how far I can go. What if I want to suck him right here on stage? What if I want to fuck him? Is that too far, or does 'whatever you want' include all these things? Well, there’s only one way to find out.

Licking my lips again, I lock eyes with Austin and start leaning into him. I stop just one inch away from the tip of his cock, and he grins at me with that what are you waiting for? look on his face. Fuck, I’m nervous right now. I’ve made porn movies and worked as a stripper… But now, sitting on this stage with Austin, I feel like the world is at my feet, and I’m nervous. There’s something special about Python, no doubt about it, and I’m starting to feel it. It’s in the atmosphere of the place, it’s in the dancers and in the way every single women in here seems to be having the time of their lives… Yeah, this is more than a bar or a strip club. This is way better than that. I just wonder how much better.

I part my lips and fit them against Austin’s cock, sucking in and allowing his delicious flavor to crawl all the way up to my brain. I close my eyes and, opening my mouth wide, I start rolling my lips down his shaft. Right now, I have no idea if the audience is shouting, whistling or rioting; I’m in a world of my own.

“That’s right, babe,” Austin tells me, placing his hands on my head and pushing me down, “all the way.” I go as deep as I can, only stopping when the tip of his cock is pressed against the back of my throat, and then he slides it back. Holding my head in place, he starts to thrust, moving his cock in and out of my mouth at a growing pace. My eyes remain closed as I savor how it feels to have him filling me up like this, his thickness pushing down on my tongue and against the inside of my cheeks.

Then, moving fast, he pulls his cock out. “You’re not here to please me,” he tells me with a grin, tall flames of lust dancing behind his eyes. “You’re here to be pleased,” he continues, lowering his voice as he reaches for me, grabbing my bunched up dress and tugging on it so hard that I almost jump out of the chair. I grab the seat as he pulls on my dress, and he rips it off of my body and leaves me only in my heels and underwear.

“Your bra, take if off,” he tells me, standing tall in front of me. His voice is firm, leaving no room for doubts, and I do exactly as he tells me to. I reach for the clasp between my shoulder blades and pull it free; I then push the straps down my arms, allowing the cups to droop over my tits and then fall lazily to the floor. My nipples become even harder, free as they are now, and Austin goes down on one knee right in front of me.

Looking me straight in the eye, he places his hands on my knees and slides them up my legs until they’re resting on my outer thighs. He hooks his fingers on the string of thong that laces my thighs, and then he starts to pull. I lift my ass slightly up from the chair, allowing him to undress me, and he pulls the thong down my legs, making me lift one leg and then the other as he finally takes it off of me. He takes my drenched thong to his face and, still looking at me, he puts them right against his mouth. “Delicious,” he tells me, and then lets the thong fall from his fingers. “Now I need to taste the real thing,” he whispers, and places his hands on the back of my knees. He pulls on me, forcing me to slide to the edge of my seat, and then pushes my legs apart.

“Is this really happening?” I ask him, running my tongue between my lips.

“It is,” he smiles at me, “and you’ve seen nothing. We’r

e just starting.” I shiver at his words, not knowing where this road will lead to… All I know is that I've got to find out.

With one last look into my eyes, Austin leans into me and brushes his lips on the patch of skin right under my navel. He moves further down and I can’t help but close my eyes and throw my head back, my pussy burning to feel the touch of his lips.

I moan as I feel the wet tip of his tongue circling around my clit, and when he finally presses down on it I let out a loud cry of pleasure. Even though my eyes are closed and I’ve tuned out the real world, I can still feel the atmosphere in the entire room changing. It feels like I’m inside of a space-bound rocket ship, the pressure around both Austin and I increasing with each passing second. There are hundreds of eyes on us, and I can sense the sharp bite of their excitement and envy. The women here… They’d kill to trade places with me. They’d do anything for just one second with Austin. And to think that I didn’t come to Python because I needed to, but because I was given a job… And here I am now, fully naked on stage, Austin’s lips wrapping themselves tight around my clit. Can you spell lucky?

I place my hands on top of his head and tangle my fingers in his hair; yanking hard, I force him to slide his down to my pussy and he does it willingly. He opens his mouth wide and starts to jab at me with his tongue, running it up and down the length of my pussy. I’m moaning so loud that my voice is drowning out the music coming out of the speakers; curiosity getting the best of me, I manage to pry my eyes open and squint at the darkness outside of the stage.

There are dozens of women at the edge of the stage, and dozens more still in their seats. They’re talking to each other, some of them with drinks in their hands, but they seem to ignore the half-naked men walking among them. No, their eyes are focused on the stage, and it seems like they can’t look away. They’re in a trance, and I feel them using their imagination to trade places with me. For them, they are the ones on stage, Austin’s mouth on their wet pussy. And, really, can you blame them? Austin is perfect, and I really do mean it. Have you ever seen a man as gorgeous as him? As sexy and seductive? I don’t think so.

But I’m woman enough for him. Even though he might be the perfect man, I never allow myself to fawn over anyone. And that’s exactly why I’m the one up on this stage. Because, in a sense, I’m cut from the same cloth as Austin. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m just not like any other woman. Oh, not at all, and he knows it.

“Oh, God,” I moan again as Austin sucks my folds into his mouth, lapping at them with his tongue. At the same time, he takes his hand to my pussy and, using only two fingers, he presses them over my clit and starts to move them in fast short circles. I’m swaying my hips now, too electrified to stay put, but Austin keeps his mouth glued to my wetness. “Oh, my fucking God,” I breathe out as I feel that familiar thunderstorm raging inside of me, clawing at my mind and stopping my rational side dead in its tracks.

Arching my back, I throw my head back and let out a shrill scream, the sound of my voice cutting through the loud music and bouncing off the walls. Ecstasy hits me like a brick, making my muscles spasm as my fingers turn into claws and I place both hands on Austin’s lower back, my fingernails digging into his flesh.

“I told you, babe,” Austin whispers at me, taking his face from between my thighs and grinning at me. I grin back at him, breathing hard, as I watch my own juices glistening under the lights and dripping down his chin. “We’re just getting started,” he concludes, and then goes up to his feet slowly. He offers me his hand and I take it; pulling me to my feet, he then places his hands under my ass cheeks and lifts me up. I react by instinct and lace my legs around his waist, crossing them on his lower back.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024