Protein Shake - Page 21

My first sight as I enter my living room is Holly-Anne on my couch, eating the bag of potato chips I’d been hiding from myself. She’s nested herself in blankets and is petting my cat Lucy with one hand while she flips through television channels with the other.

“Hey, Lucy,” Holly-Anne giggles as her eyes flick up to me. “Look what you dragged in. Long day, Kare-bear?”

“You have no idea,” I answer with a laugh. “I went to the gym.”

“For that long? Holy shit, woman. How are you still standing?” she says as I simultaneously collapse onto the cushion next to her and let my limbs flop.

“Aaghh,” I groan.

“What’s wrong?” Holly-Anne asks, grinning to herself at my suffering like a fucking sadist.

“I’m thirsty,” I respond. I groan again as I lift myself off the couch and walk into my kitchen.

Holly-Anne narrows her eyes as she watched me lurch over to the sink.

Suddenly, it hits her.

“Kara, you absolute ho!” she blurts.

“What? What did I do?” I reply, looking down to make sure there aren’t any cum stains on my tank top as I sip on my water. I might be hiding my face from her a little…but she doesn’t need to know that.

“More like who did you do,” she says through a mouthful of chips. “Come on, Kara. It’s fucking obvious.”

I wish I could still eat like Holly-Anne sometimes. I wish I could embrace my body again the way she does. But losing the weight wasn’t just about liking my body again—it was about feeling better in my own skin.

And after the little tryst I had with Chase and Eric in the showers…

“What’s obvious?” I’m doing my best to play dumb, but right now I can’t even fight back my grin.

“You were gone f

or hours. Your hips are swinging like you’re Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Your hair is wet and messy like you, I dunno, banged in a gym shower or something…plus you’re glowing like a pussy-shaped nightlight. You had sex!”

God damn her. She’s always fucking right. It’s a gift, really. Holly-Anne, detective.

After several moments of silence, I’m able to admit it. I wasn’t sure I believed it myself until now…but when Holly-Anne is right, she’s right.

“Okay, yeah. I had sex at the gym,” I agree, grabbing a scoop of cat food to refill Lucy’s bowl. I figure I’ll downplay it, though. No need to make a big fuss out of my steamy fuck sesh with two insanely hot, buff billionaires, right?

“It’s no big deal,” I lie.

Look, it’s not that I’m ashamed of it. Hell, I want to scream it from a mountain top. I want to yodel it through a meadow of wildflowers like I’m slutty Maria from The Sound of Porno Music.

But I need to play it cool. It’s such a new feeling—two guys at once—and I still need to process it a little bit before I start breaking into musical numbers about it.

Two guys at once. I’m not usually that kind of gal, babe! But something about their presence changed me when I was close to them.

They had me fantasizing about their buff, sweaty bodies tag-teaming me even before I saw them with their clothes off.

And once they were out of those sweaty workout clothes…I was so forward! So fucking bold! They were able to make me overcome all of my reservations and really, truly let go.

“Details, woman!” Holly-Anne demands as I stare at her, sipping my water. “You’re not getting off that easy.”

“Actually, I already did,” I say, smug as hell. “Multiple times.”

Her jaw drops. “Was he hot? Tell me he was hot.”

”Actually…” I begin, trying to figure out a way to explain that it was actually two guys. But before I can finish—

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024