Protein Shake - Page 28

“Hello yourself, stranger,” I reply, grinning at him. He flashes me a smile, showing off those pearly white, perfectly straight teeth.

I admire the features of his face, giving him a seductive smile as I marvel to myself about how he just lifted me like I weighed nothing at all. It’s still ingrained in my brain to assume that someone that can pick me up has superhuman strength.

But then I realize I’m honestly a reasonable weight for anyone in here with experience to lift up like that now. For so long, no one would. No one could.

But now I’m suddenly a feather. It’s a really good thing.

Hell, with guns like that, he probably could have lifted me just the same at my previous weight.

“Here for a while, hot stuff?” Eric tilts his chin up in that cocky way I’ve noticed he does. He says it like he knows that he’s the kind of guy who can easily get away with calling women shit like that: hot stuff.

Admittedly, I blocked out my whole afternoon for this, but I wasn’t plann

ing on being here long…unless another drool-worthy opportunity presented itself, of course.

My workout today won’t be quite so…intensive. I’m smiling, but my muscles are still so fucking sore from yesterday that I could cry attempting half of what we did on the equipment.

What we did in the shower, however, I’d absolutely be up for all over again. My limbs might be stiff and sore, but my pussy would be more than happy to go another round. They wouldn’t have to ask me twice.

“I don’t have much else going on today, actually. But I’m hoping to take it a little easier than before,” I explain.

“Oh, of course. I wouldn’t expect you to go half as hard as yesterday,” says Eric. A choir of angels sings a Hallelujah in the back of my mind as he speaks. “But since you’re here…”

“Big plans?” I ask, licking my lips like the greedy bitch I am.

“There’s something I want to show you upstairs. If you’re interested, of course,” answers Eric. Chase is standing next to him now, his arms crossed.

They’re both smiling at me. Their devilishly handsome looks and the sexual tension they’ve created already have my panties fucking drenched.

“What is it?” I ask. My hip is tilted to the side and my hand is clenching my gym bag. I’m playing coy with them, but my body language is betraying me with my every fucking move.

Fuck me, my body is broadcasting to them. Fuck me again like you did yesterday. I’m an addict now—gimme that cock, for fuck’s sake!

“It’s a bit of a surprise,” Eric replies, playing coy right back at me. God dammit. And all his body is broadcasting back to me is that he’s fucking sexy as ever, and I need to jump his bones ASAP.

“Is it your cock?” I ask, ditching the coy thing for a bolder approach. I stare right at his groin immediately after.

I swear, I can see the outline of their gorgeous dicks every time I allow myself to look. God bless whoever invented men’s gym shorts.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he says as he smirks and winks at me.

“You have no idea,” I say back.

“We have some idea.” Chase dips his lips to my ear and whispers the words. “If you lick your lips one more fucking time, I’m going to find a better use for that tongue.”

“Ladies first.” Eric motions me to start up the stairs.

Part of me wonders if he’s having me lead out of chivalry, or if he just wanted a good look at my ass as I climb the staircase. Either way, I’m cool with it.

Let him look.

Chapter 10


It’s a good fucking plan.

Transforming Kara into the perfect fitness model, utilizing her already massive fanbase, and doing it all on a globally aired competition is fucking genius. I almost wish I had come up with it myself.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024