Protein Shake - Page 399

“Oh God,” I moan in a hushed tone, throwing my head back as I try and catch my breath. But, once again, he doesn’t allow any time for breaks: still without pulling his cock out, he places his hands under my knees and raises my legs, placing them over his shoulders as he goes to his knees. I shut my eyes and grit my teeth, panting as I feel his cock sliding one more wonderful inch deep into me. He leans into me then, pushing my legs as his shoulders move toward mine; I go as far as I

can, my ass lifting from the floor as my legs bend awkwardly over my own body. His cock sheathed, he starts to trust, pumping his cock into me with maddening precision. “Oh, Lucien… Oh,” I moan, still unable to open my eyes as lava rages through my veins, scorching everything in its way.

“Shh,” he whispers, hushing me as keeps thrusting, his cock, pistoning into me at a perfect tempo. He brushes his finger against my lips and, guided by the sinful cravings inside of me, I just open my mouth and let it in, sucking hard and still feeling the flavor of my own juices there.

“I’m going to…” I start, but the words die in my throat as my limbs start to thrash, my whole body convulsing as if the connection to my brain simply disappeared. I come again, my lungs working overtime as I try to breathe deeply, every single muscle in my body feeling as if it had been stepped on. I’m spent, exhausted. I can’t speak or think and, even though I open my eyes, I see nothing but white. Pleasure has me in a trance, and I’m mute and blind. The only thing my overworked brain can still process is his touch. The moment he starts to slide his cock out of me, I shudder violently, a shiver climbing up my spine.

I force my eyes open and stare into his, my chest rising and falling at a more steady pace now. Propping myself up on my elbows, I sit up, my fluids dripping down my thighs. Acting as if it had a mind of its own, my hands reach for him. I wrap one around his cock, using the other to cup his balls. I start to stroke him, my eyes never leaving his as I flick my wrist, my fingers curled tight around his shaft.

“I want your mouth,” he whispers, a grin on his face. I don’t even think about it; I just learn forward and part my lips, sliding them over his glans and all the way down. As I reach the base, I go back up, moving my neck back and forth as I suck on him hard. Every time I reach his tip I stop for a few seconds, twisting my tongue on his glans and lapping at it before going down again. Not a minute after I started, he places his hands on my head, forcing me to go faster. My mouth is flying over his shaft, all of my movements nothing more than a blur. He’s breathing hard, his fingers like claws inside my hair, but I don’t stop. I keep going, pushing past my exhaustion until I have him dangling over the edge.

His cock spasms once, and I slide my mouth all the way up to his glans. It spasms again and I roll my lips out, slowly sucking as his cock pops out of my mouth. A wide smile on my face, I start to stroke him as hard as I can, moving my whole arm as I go up and down his cock. The third time he spasms, his cock shoots a thick rope of cum in my direction, his semen flying in an arch and hitting me straight in the chest. I don’t stop moving my hand, his semen completely covering my breasts and dripping down my stomach. He’s still spasming when I feel strands of his sliding down from my chest to between my thighs, blending in my own wetness.

Wanting to taste him, I angle his cock upward and open my mouth, sticking out my tongue. In a heartbeat he coats my tongue, the flavor of his warm semen making my mind buzz with delight. I wait until I feel my mouth brimming with his cum and, as soon as his cock stops spasming, I smack my lips and swallow, my eyes never leaving his.

“Good girl,” he says, smiling while he reaches for my lips with his thumb and wipes off a stray drop of cum. Slowly, I peel my fingers off his cock, the last strands of semen still dripping down his shaft.

“This… was amazing,” I mutter, my body still alight with pleasure.

“No,” he replies, that kind smile of his dancing on his lips. “It was perfect. It always is with you.”

Lucien Stone, where have you been all of my life?


You know, my life has been pretty fucking shitty so far, but for the longest time if you’d have asked me, I wouldn’t have given a fuck.

Not so, anymore, amigo. I’ve got a fucking purpose now all of a sudden.

Sure, I’m still a fucking inmate. I’m broke, fucked up because of a life sentence for a crime I didn’t commit, and constantly on the lookout for anyone who might want to try and make himself a rep by stabbing me with a home made shiv.

But aside from all that, I’ve got purpose and determination. I know what I need to do.

You probably already know why, but let me spell it out for you just in case you need to understand one last time.

Kerri Curtis. The fucking light of my life.

Am I falling in love with her? I don’t know, man. But I will tell you this. Three weeks ago, if you'd have asked me that question, I would've either laughed at you or hit you in the fucking nose depending on who you were and where you were asking. But now? Now…I’m just going to shrug it off and tell you I don’t know the answer to that question.

It’s not just the sex, either, if that’s what you’re thinking. Sure it feels unreal fucking Kerri and sure she’s got the body of a fucking angel that gets my cock so big and fucking hard that it ends up with its own heartbeat.

But that’s not the only reason I’m falling in love with her. I know that for sure.

The way she looks at me when I’m inside of her. When she can’t talk. When she can’t breathe. When she’s gasping for air. In the throes of her fucking orgasm. The way she makes herself vulnerable. After everything she’s been through. It takes a lot of fucking courage to let yourself be vulnerable like that. I could never do that.

The way she makes me feel calm. At peace. Like the world isn’t such a shitty place that chews you up and fucks you before tossing you out like fucking trash. Like there’s a little bit of hope left. A little bit of goodness left in people that hasn’t been trampled and stamped out by cruelty and malice.

She makes me want to be a better man, even in here. She makes me feel regret that I had to meet her in here. That I couldn’t have met her on the outside.

But I need to fucking snap out of it. I'm inside. There’s no denying that fact. And no amount of fucking daydreaming and happiness is going to change that.

The best I can do is protect her from what she doesn’t understand. What I hope she’ll never have to understand.

The only way I can do that is to become the one thing that scares her. An inmate. A criminal.

Yeah, pretty fucked up, right? Ain’t got no fucking other option in this joint, babe. No other way.

At least that’s what I tell myself as I walk up to where Grinder is standing in the prison yard. He’s talking animatedly to Spider. Three other people stand around him. All mob guys, all part of the same gang I used to be in. Shaved heads. Tattoos up and down their arms. I know a few of them. The tall, fat guy—his name’s Earl. The skinnier dude with the close-cropped blonde hair, that’s Slim. And the short guy with the big ears and weasel-like face is called, you guessed it—Weasel.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024