Protein Shake - Page 407

There are two cameras in the visitors reception area. I’m supposed to use them to let everyone know I’ve taken Kerri hostage and what my demands are.

Once I take Kerri hostage, I have to negotiate with the Warden to removes the guards that stand watch over the prison yard. I think I know which way this is going. The south entrance, or Visitor’s Entrance, feeds past the prison yard. Without any guards there and with open doors, prisoners will be able to get out into the open air if they make it into the prison yard.

Whatever I do, I’m not supposed to flee into the prison or take out the cameras. The cameras should be my main source of communication. And if I need to get a better vantage point, I should go toward the Visitor’s Entrance to the prison, not into it.

And finally, after a sufficient amount of time has passed, I can release Kerri and I’m on my own to do whatever I want.

“After about thirty minutes or so, you're free to do whatever you want with that bitch, because Grinder won’t need you at that point,” Spider says, leaning back in his chair.

I look up from the paper toward Spider. “You know it’ll never work trying to escape this place from the prison yard, right?” I ask. Grinder’s a fool for even trying to consider it. “The sharpshooters on the towers will take out anyone who makes it past the fences.”

Spider shrugs. He doesn't say anything.

“Why would Grinder waste an opportunity like this to try such a stupid escape plan?” I ask Spider. “If I’m going to be the one doing this, I need to fucking know.”

And it’s a fair question. If I’m going to be taking my girlfriend hostage after I cost her a job, I need to know how this is all going to play out in the end. It’s still my job to protect her. Even if I am going to be her fucking captor in doing it.

Spider looks at me for a long minute. He can see that I’m serious in my question and finally he relents.

“No one is going to be escaping from the prison yard, amigo,” Spider says at last. “All you’re doing is creating a distraction for Grinder and me…and a few of his boys to go out a separate way.”

So that’s it. While I’m distracting the entire prison on one side, he plans to be going out through another route that not that many people will be watching for. Creating a distraction that’s big enough here, so no one sees what’s happening over there.

“The Warden would hunt you guys down like fucking roaches,” I hiss.

“Not if the Deputy Warden sends everyone on the wrong track, boss,” Spider replies back with a forceful whisper. “And by the time he corrects his mistakes, we’re long gone underground.”

Fuck. That makes sense now how much Grinder is always able to get away with certain things. The Deputy Warden is dirty. That’s exactly how Grinder knew what I did to protect Kerri. And that’s how he’s going to escape.

Normally, an escape from prison is a long shot at best.

But with a corrupt Deputy Warden, it could just work.

“What’s in it for me?” I ask. This could be my ticket out. I have to explore it. If I could get out, I could live outside these walls. I could apologize to Kerri. I could be a real father.

“Nothing,” Spider says, not breaking his stare into my eyes. “Maybe getting to keep your girl safe, if that matters to you, but other than tha

t, you’re not coming with us. You’re probably not doing anything more than starting a riot.”

I look at him wondering what kind of fucking negotiating tactic this is. It’s like he doesn’t even have the decency to fucking lie to me. That’s how fucking little he cares about this.

“So, I get nothing from doing this, then I don’t think I’ll even fucking go see that bitch,” I tell Spider, drawling out my words and taking a scoop of the chicken breast that’s on my tray. “I don’t really need to see her when she comes calling.”

“Grinder’s guys are gonna rape the living shit out of her and then leave her to die if you don’t, boss,” Spider says, his eyes flashing in fear. “You asked what was in it for you and I said nothing, right? That’s because you missed your chance. You took the hand that Grinder gave you in friendship and you just pulled your cock out and pissed on it. We could have all transferred over to St. Simons and then got Grinder to help us get out with his connections. But you took a shit on that. Now, he’s figuring his own way out. And ain’t no seats left on this bus.”

Spider looks like he didn't have to put it in those words. But those are the cards I’m being dealt.

I need a chance to think this through. What if something goes wrong? What if I end up putting Kerri in more danger than she already is? This jail is a violent fucking jungle. Do I really want to bring a pregnant woman into the crossfires of a sniper?

“I need to fucking think about it, man,” I tell Spider, leaning back. “It’s a lot to do.”

Spider shrugs. “That’s fine,” he answers. “But think fast. Because she’s already on her way here.”

“Stone,” a guard calls out from the front of the canteen. “You got a fucking visitor in Room C.”

Fuck. So much for thinking through this.

I get up from my chair, giving one last look to Spider as I head out of the canteen. Whatever happens for the rest of my life is going to come down to this afternoon apparently.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024