Protein Shake - Page 451

My muscles are tensing up, everything in me about to explode. I let out a high-pitched scream as I erupt, my whole body shaking as if I have no control. Christ, I never felt anything like this. I lean into Colt’s cock as my body is consumed by a holy fire of ecstasy, taking him in my mouth and sucking on him as if I’m minutes away from dying.

My pussy has tightened up around Ethan’s cock, but that doesn’t make him stop - on the contrary, it only makes him go harder and keep thrusting while waves of pleasure crash inside of me.

I open my eyes and, Colt’s member still inside of my mouth, I look up at him. His eyes are not on me, but on Ethan - he’s looking at his rival as if he is in a trance, desire etched in his lips as he watches him fucking me relentlessly. They might tell themselves they are enemies, but what’s happening here tells a completely different story.

Ethan’s constant pounding quickly derails my train of thoughts, his thickness obliterating any semblance of rational thought inside of me. I can’t think straight, not now. The only thing I can do is submit to the way my body is readying itself to come all over again, the last wave of pleasure still receding over my mind.

Ethan slaps me across the ass as he thrusts, and then runs his fingers over my crack. With my eyes shut tight, I let fireworks go off behind my eyelids as he parts my ass cheeks and brushes his thumb against my crack, gently rubbing it against my anus. God, I can’t believe I’m letting him do it. But I am, and I love it. I don’t know how this even happened, but these two men can do whatever they want to me.

They are mine, yes. But I’m also theirs.

I moan over Colt’s cock as Ethan slides his finger inside my ass, a bonfire of ecstasy inside of me. My mouth, my pussy, my ass - everything in me is being ravaged by them, and I fucking love it. There’s no other way to put it.

I take Colt’s cock out of my mouth as my body trembles in ecstasy once again, a pure avalanche of destructive pleasure taking me by assault. I never even knew I could survive pleasure such as this. Fuck, I didn’t even know it was possible to feel something as good as this!

Screaming through my gritted teeth, I push my ass back against Ethan as I move my hand up and down Colt’s cock as fast as I can. I use my last strengths to give these men the prize they deserve, sweat dripping down my forehead as I rock my body back and forth.

“Come for me,” I moan, looking at Colt straight in the eyes. It doesn’t take more than that - just these three words and I feel his cock twitching hard against my fingers. I launch myself forwards, taking him in my mouth in the exact moment cum gushes out of him in a torrent. He spasms over my tongue, his semen filling me up as Ethan grabs my ass hard and pierces me with a violent final thrust. I shiver, the twitching of Ethan’s cock inside my pussy almost too much for me to bear.

Both my mouth and pussy are drenched in cum, and I can’t think of anything that could possibly be better than this. I remain still as both men empty themselves inside of me, their juices coating my insides eagerly. Each spasm of their cock sends ripples through my body, each and every one of my muscles twitching in a feverish response.

As I feel Ethan pulling out of me, I allow Colt’s cock to slide out of my mouth as well. I sit up on the table, my legs dangling over the edge as my heart beats rapidly inside of my chest, and swallow. Colt’s saltiness burns down my throat as I feel Ethan’s cum dripping down my legs, and I can’t help but grin in pure delight

This… This was absolute perfection.

I close my eyes, wanting to shut the real world out. I know that when the season ends, only one of them will be able to stay. But that’s exactly the kind of reality I don’t want to be thinking off. No. Right now,

all I want to do is be pleasure’s sinful victim.


SportsNation Highlights.

Welcome to SportsNation Highlights. I'm your host for today, Courtney Kinder. With me, I have noted sports commentator and sports reporter for the News of the Times, AJ Ledoux.

We're talking today about the upcoming Monday game between the New York Nailers and the San Francisco Stepbrothers.

Courtney (turning to AJ): AJ, what can the Nailers expect for Monday's game, and do you think that the recent troubles that they've been having over the last two weeks are going to be any sort of impediment to their performance on the field?

AJ: Well, Courtney, that's a good question. A lot of times, a team's off-field issues find a way to end up on the field as well. And the New York Nailers have certainly had their share of issues. I mean, come on, we have probably the most talented offensive player in the NFL get into a literal fight with the most talented defensive player in the league. On this show. That alone would be enough to destroy careers for a lot of players.

Courtney: But not Ethan Blake and Colt Stackford.

AJ (shaking his head): No. Those two were good enough that they were able to trade their reputations and that still carried enough weight that a team like the Nailers, that had been struggling for their first few games, saw a quick opportunity to maybe make the playoffs. It was a smart move by Julianna Heaton and I have to give her credit for that.

Courtney: But you haven't been her biggest fan to date.

AJ (shaking his head but smiling): Well, let's just say that I don't think she belongs in the NFL at all.

Courtney: Wow. You kiss your wife with that mouth?

AJ: No, no. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that when you take on something as important and central as owning an NFL team, you thrust yourself into the public eye. And the public will want to see someone who upholds the moral fiber that they expect in women - who are supposed to be the better halves of men.

Courtney: Let me see if I'm understanding this...

AJ: I'll make it really clear Courtney. I don't have a problem with a woman running a football team. I just think if she's going to be a role model to other women, then she needs to figure out how to have a less salacious private life. Because like it or not, Julianna Heaton is a role model to my daughter. And I don't want her to grow up and be a slut.

Courtney: Now wait just a second!

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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