100 Days - Page 425


100 bucks 4/9/2017

$100 in Amazon smutbux is a whole lotta O's...ya know?

Did that rhyme? LOL!

And, for the first time, even if you're not on Facebook, you can participate! Yay! I know some of you guys have been blowing up my mailbox saying oh no I don't trust FB so how do I get in on all your stuff that you do? So this way you totes get in and win some Amazon gift card maybe! The details are below.

Like, 100 bux can get you 100 novels that are priced at 99c. Like that's like having sex with 100 guys. Imagine what that's like just for a moment!

Like two hundred hands. 100 cocks. 100 tongues. Uhm, I'm a teeeeny tiny excited but also kinda scared hahaha.

Like, do they stand in line. Because this isn't like a menage or anything where you reach over and grab one guy's zipper and get him all excited while another guy is kissing you and stuff. And there is like no way you can have a happily ever after with 100 guys, unless you're like a Queen Bee or something. Ironically, one of my Naughty Angels calls me Queen Bee lol.

But, like I remember someone back in the day did like a gang bang on porn. It was like 300 guys or something. I think it was Jasmine St. Clair. I only know this because I remember I snuck upstairs to watch E! Online when they were playing the Howard Stern show. My parents wouldn't let me watch E! because I was too lil so obviously I would sneak watching it. That's the first time I ever found out what a gang bang was. I think I musta been really little because I don't think I even knew what sex was. Or maybe had a very small idea. I knew what love was. And that I was a princess. But I just didn't know how princesses were supposed to get bent over a desk and....okay anyways.

Wow I've gone off on a tangent here. I hope I don't bore you. I just put out the giveaway on Facebook so wanted to let you guys know!

Paying It Back

Sooo....I had a great time yesterday, but I got to thinking...

I have something I wanna say.

There have been a lot of authors who have come before me or who are way bigger than me that totally helped me when they had no reason to. Like they went out of their way to help me - either by swapping, giving advice, telling me things, or anything else. I have only a tiiiiiny bit of success through good luck, but no way I did this on my own. It was all the wonderful authors.

But what did I do to repay them thus far?

It's been me, me, me, me, Alexis Alexis Alexis Alexis blah blah blah. I mean, I won't stop that, but it's important that I recognize them and do it in a way that's more meaningful than just words.

So, from now on, I'm gonna try and think lil bit less about myself.

Every week (not sure what day yet) I'm going to do something called a Naughty Angel Spotlight. Where I highlight a new author that maybe doesn't have a giant newsletter with 18,000 people to swap with. But they wrote a good book that's to market that you guys will enjoy. I'll highlight it.

Freebies from up and coming authors. I'll feature them through the spotlight as well.

I'll also share all this on my wall too. And in time I'll make a separate page and separate mailing list if ppl like it. But for now, this is my tiny way of giving back.

Because here is the way I see it.

You guys read books waaaaay faster than I can write them. You reading more authors doesn't harm me. An author doesn't have to jealously guard their readers because it takes them 2 weeks to write a book and it takes readers like 4 hours. By authors promoting each other and sharing each other, all it does is allow people with good stories to reach more readers, making more people happy.

I guess I just wanna do something that will sort of give back to the community that's given me my dream job, you know?

Anyways, I'll be planning this the next week or so. Today though, my dear dear friend Jess Bentley has released a box set that has all my favorite books. And FREEBIE from Vivian Phoenix! After the jump!

Me and Cheryl

So I forgot to tell you I have a new release coming up!

That's right!

I've been busy finalizing the book this week and I'm writing the final chapters today before it goes to ARC.

Anyways, tonight, I'll be sending out an excerpt AND doing a new giveaway because just the 12 Inches giveaway which announces on April 15 is great but it's only $100. I wanna do another giveaway to give you guys more chances to win because you guys are so awesome! So I plan to do more giveaways that's for sure.

Anyways, I have to go back to writing but I'll have the excerpt later on today and the new super secret giveaway ready too.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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