Dirty Thief - Page 37

“But we’re not taking our eyes off him,” I add.

“Good to know. Now, moving along to this matter of diplomacy.”

The next hour is spent catching my brother up on the conflict surrounding the refugees. The growing fear of terrorist attacks, and

our uncle’s suggestion of sanctions against several of our allies. We ultimately land on the same page, which is encouraging. Cal can do the talking with Fayed and the leaders of the other countries. I’ll handle drawing up the papers and presenting it to the parliament and the people.

It’s evening by the time we’re walking from the far west wing back to the center of our large palace. He and Zelda have taken the rooms on the third floor, which will put them above us in the massive structure. We’re just entering the grand atrium when I hear the shrill noise of a baby laughing. Cal’s entire face lights up.

“You haven’t seen Belle since she started walking.” Speaking of walking, his pace quickens. “She’s picked up a few words.”

We enter the open area in the center of the square structure. It’s a brilliant night, and the lights shining on the walls light the bricks an undersea coral. “Forgot how much I miss the pink palace,” he says.

Directly across from us on the western side of the courtyard are massive curved staircases leading up to the second floor where Ava and I stay.

We spot the women sitting on the steps in what appears to be an animated conversation. Ava is beautiful in a thin blue dress with spaghetti straps. Her long hair is down her back, and she’s holding a squirming toddler. Belle leans forward as if diving out of her aunt’s arms, and I chuckle as Ava puts her down, and she wobbles off across the grey flagstone pavement.

Her older sister hops up from where she’s sitting and takes off after the golden-haired baby, catching her and returning to where they haven’t even broken the conversation. Belle is now caged between her mother’s legs. Zelda pushes her blonde ponytail behind her shoulder. She’s casual in cargo capris and an olive tank top.

“Zelda hasn’t changed a bit,” I say, remembering my sister-in-law’s distaste for the formalities of the palace.

“She would much rather be at Occitan, spending every day in a bikini,” my brother says.

“I’m sure you would much rather that arrangement as well.” I give him a glance, and he only grins.

“You know me too well.”

I consider the next few days. “They should go to Occitan. The estate is heavily guarded, and perhaps it will take Ava’s mind off what’s happening here.”

We reach them, and the baby perks up just like my brother did moments ago. “Da!” Two chubby hands reach out, and he sweeps her up in his arms.

“Rowan.” Zelda stands and gives me a hug before moving to wrap her arms around Cal’s waist. “Are you two ready to solve the world’s problems?”

“We’re much closer than we were this morning,” Cal teases.

Belle rests her head on my brother’s shoulder, and I glance up at Ava. She holds out her hand, and I take the few steps up to where she’s waiting. I can’t help thinking one day soon I’ll have a little one in my arms. In the meantime, I put my arm around her slim body.

“I was just telling Cal you and Zee should go to Occitan.” She tenses, and her brow is lined when she looks up at me.

“You want me to go now?”

Her mind has gone to our fight. I’d been so furious with her for slipping away from the special guard I’d assigned to her. Then she’d kissed me, and I couldn’t keep my hands off her.

“We’ll all go,” I reassure her. “Cal and I will come here during the day. Once we’ve settled matters, we can join you in the evenings.”

“Let’s do it, Ava-bug,” Zelda begs, walking up the steps and catching her sister’s hand. “It’s so stuffy here, and we can spend the days on the beach.”

Ava glances to me again, and traces her finger along my jawline. “As long as you’re not angry.”

Her concern makes me smile, and I lean down to kiss her slowly. “I could never stay angry with you.” I meet her eyes, and she relaxes.

Zelda is quick to chime in. “Sheesh, we are definitely heading to Occitan. You two are spending way too much time together.”

Cal slaps her ass, and she laughs, catching him around the waist and calling out in a high-pitched voice. “Oh, Cal! Will you ever be able to survive all day without me up your butt?”

“Shut up!” Ava cries. “You are such a pill. Anyway, you were up his butt far enough last time you were here.”

“I’m starting to feel neglected,” Cal adds in a too-loud protest. “Why aren’t you more concerned about my butt?”

Tags: Tia Louise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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