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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“Have courage, daughter—I will give you strength so that you may defend yourself.”

The strong, feminine voice in her ear startled Em so much she gasped—as well as she was able with the flat tentacle covering her mouth—and stared all around. It was clear that Om’bobla hadn’t heard it because he was still leering at her from across the room. Who could it be, then—and how was Em the only one hearing it?

“I am the Kindred Goddess—I am close to those who need me,” the female voice informed her. “This creature shall not defile you. Do as I say.”

Em nodded—since there was no other way to answer with her mouth sealed shut. Clearly the Goddess understood her, because she kept talking.

“I will give you my strength and you will break the bonds that hold you. NOW!”

As the word, “NOW” sounded in her ear, Em felt as though someone had just dumped a huge amount of adrenaline into her system. Balling her hands into fists, she gave a sharp yank, throwing her arms outward and tearing the two slender tentacles right off Om’bobla’s body.

“Ow!” the squid man gasped. “What are you doing, you little cunt?”

Em ripped the flat tentacle off her mouth, feeling the sting as though she had ripped a piece of tape away from her lips.

“What’s the matter, Om’bobla—why are you making such a big fuss over losing a few tentacles?” she heard herself ask dryly. “Why would you try to spoil my fun?”

Reaching down, she caught the disgusting blind snake-cock by its neck and dragged it out from under her dress, where it had been poking and probing, trying to get past her tightly shut thighs.

“Hey…hey, what are you doing?” Om’bobla burbled. Suddenly his orange eyes were filled with fright. “Hey, let him go—he’s delicate!” he protested, waving his hands in the air.

The slimy cock-tentacle writhed in her grip and Em feared she might lose her hold on it. If that happened, she was afraid all bets were off. She had an idea that pulling out the two thin tentacles that had bound her was pretty much the equivalent of ripping out a few pubic hairs. It stung, yes, but it wasn’t going to stop the squid man from raping her if he got free of her grip.

No, but I bet I know what will stop him, she thought.

She was standing right beside the sink with its three faucets. Remembering how well the fresh coffee and wildflowers soap had gotten the squid man’s slime off her thigh, Em had an inspiration.

Keeping the writhing cock-tentacle firmly in one hand, she turned on the soap tap and shoved its slimy gray head under the gush of pale purple foam.

The effect was immediate. The pale green slime coating the disgusting thing melted away and the gray skin underneath began to pit and erode as tiny red sores erupted all over its surface.

“No! Not my dick! Let go! Let go, you bitch!” Om’bobla howled—his screams carrying much further than Em’s own cries had earlier. He began to reach for her but just then the door burst open, spilling him onto the floor on his knees, and Rarev was standing there, his golden eyes blazing blood red.

“What the fuck,” he growled, “Is going on in here? What are you doing to my female?”


Rarev tried to make sense of the scene in front of him but it was difficult to think past the Rage that had covered his vision like a blanket of flame. He’d only just gotten free of the tangle in the dining area when he’d thought he heard Emilia calling for help.

He had tried to run to her at once, but Channa had gotten in his way with her floating water chair, tripping him up as he headed for the hallway that led to the freshers.

“Om’bobla?” she was calling. She—like everyone else at the table aside from Rarev himself—was coated in the dark purple stuff that Lady Tabuu squirted from her breasts.

Rarev wasn’t sure what had happened to the quad-breasted female, but suddenly, as they sat there eating, she’d started screaming and moaning and writhing in her chair and all four of her breasts had started squirting at once, firing off machine-gun blasts of dark purple liquid in all directions.

Being seated right beside her, Rarev would have been covered in the stuff, except for his cat-like reflexes. He had jumped out of the way and tried to steer clear of the melee that followed.

But the minute Lady Tabuu started squirting, Lord Torrid had begun climbing over the table to get to her. This had spilled plates of food in people’s laps and Channa had started screaming that her First Meal was ruined—absolutely ruined!

In all the fuss, Rarev had barely heard the scream that sounded like Emilia. And he hadn’t noticed that Om’bobla was also gone until Channa tripped him up on the way to the freshers. Then he had taken a wrong turn in the long glass hallway and finally, when he heard the squid man screaming as well, he was certain that whatever had happened to Emilia definitely involved the aquatic alien.

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