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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“Bet you think I’ll have to come after you to get what I want,” Om’bobla’s burbling voice interrupted her frantic plans. “Bet you think you’re safe over there, across the room from me. Well, think again, my sweet little humanoid.”

Suddenly the bulging front of his tight, white pants exploded into a mass of writhing tentacles.


Em gasped as the pinkish-gray tentacles whipped through the air towards her. Though she was a good four feet away from the squid man—who was still leaning casually against the door—they reached her easily and several long, slender appendages wrapped around her wrists. They pulled her hands away from her body and two more long tentacles spread open the top of her wrap dress, baring her breasts.

“Mmmm, look at those humanoid titties!” Om’bobla’s voice was thick with lust and to Em’s horror, yet another tentacle began creeping towards her. This one was much bigger than the slender ones that were wrapped around her wrists—it had a bulbous, gray head covered in pale green mucus and it bobbed and weaved in the air between them, looking like a blind snake.

“You like my nice thick dick tentacle, baby?” Om’bobla taunted her. “That’s my shaft—the one I use for fucking. I was trying to slip it in you nice and easy at the table just now—going in for the stealth fuck—but you kept jumping around and I couldn’t get the head in.”

The blind head crept closer, waving on its thick, flexible stalk and Em felt nauseous. She’d known she hadn’t been imagining the slimy feeling on her knee and thigh! But understanding that the disgusting squid man had been trying to “stealth fuck” her made her stomach clench.

“Keep that filthy thing away from me!” she snapped in a voice that trembled more than she liked.

“Oh, I don’t think so. See, my shaft has a mind of his own—he likes to go tunneling sometimes, especially when there’s humanoid pussy to tunnel into,” Om’bobla sneered. “Don’t worry though—he’s nice and slimy. He can slip right up inside you and leave a nice big load of my spunk before you even know it. And who knows…” He shrugged his slimy gray shoulders. “In four or five months, you might even have a lot of little Om’boblas swelling your belly. Don’t be upset about it if you do—the octo-squidlings slide out nice and easy the minute you get submerged in water. Then they swim away and take care of themselves until they’re big enough to fuck females of their own. It’s a beautiful circle of life, you know?” He leered at her, thrusting his hips to make the long, thick tentacle-dick shake.

This was it, Em thought—she was about to be raped by the disgusting squid man if something didn’t happen now. The icy veneer of horror that had frozen her to the spot suddenly melted and she began to scream.

“Help me! Help! Rarev!” she shrieked. “Help me now! I n—”

But her last word was cut off as another tentacle—one with a flat end—slapped over her mouth and clamped down. Em could feel rows of tiny suction cups tighten around her lips, effectively sealing her mouth shut. She couldn’t even open her teeth to bite the damn thing—it was gluing her lips closed.

“That’s enough of that, you bitch,” Om’bobla snarled. “You’re as bad as my wife—always trying to ruin my fun! Just hold still and let me slip it in and then you can go on with your life. Why do you have to make such a big fuss about a little fuck?”

Em wanted to scream that it wasn’t just a “little fuck”—it was rape! She struggled against the long, slender tentacles holding her wrists but they felt as strong as steel cables—she was unable to get out of their slimy grip. And all the while, Om’bobla was still leaning casually against the door as his blind, slimy cock slid closer and closer to her.

She pressed her thighs tightly together, grimly determined not to make this easy for him. If only she’d thought to bring some of the needle-sharp chopstick eating utensils the Rigellens used! But of course, she’d had no thought that she would need a weapon when simply going to the toilet.

The slimy gray head grazed her knee and began to slide up under her dress.

“Come on now, baby,” Om’bobla burbled. “Spread your legs and let me in. This will only take a minute—unless my shaft really likes it in there. In which case, I might have to fuck you two or three times before he’s ready to leave.” He shrugged his slimy gray shoulders. “It’s really up to him, you know—he pretty much does what he wants. And what he wants right now is to slide right into that tight little humanoid cunt of yours.”

Em nearly choked on a cry of disgust—what was she going to do?

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