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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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She sat back beside Rarev, who was still glaring with murderous intent at the aquatic alien. But Om’bobla was too busy fighting with his wife to notice.

“Why would you say things like that about me?” he demanded, giving her a wounded look. “Don’t you care about winning the mining contract for our world?”

“You know perfectly well the only reason we were sent on this mission is because you’re having an affair with the Prime Minister of Oceanographic Affairs!” Channa snapped back. “The plan was for us to win the contract and then you were going to leave me for her and while the two of you got rich off the proceeds. Well, let’s see you leave me now!” she screeched at him. “Let’s see you fuck her with a melted dick!”

“Baby, she means nothing to me—” Om’bobla began but he was interrupted by the Mining Director.

“All right, all right,” he said loudly. “I believe we’ve heard enough to make our decision.”

“What? But you haven’t heard the true facts!” the squid man protested.

“I believe we have.” The Director conferred with the other Rigellen judges and their wives—all present as eyes and mouths perched on their various shoulders—and then nodded. “We have determined that Om’bobla and Channa shall be disqualified as contestants in the Trials for the Mining Rights.”

“What? But that’s not fair!” Om’bobla protested. “If anything the rights ought to be granted to me as recompense for the pain and harm I suffered at the hands of another contestant!”

The Director gave him a hard stare.

“Mr. Om’bobla, we are not granting you anything. The point of these Trials is to find out which people would make the best trade partners with us. While you certainly exhibit some qualities we value, such as virility, constant sexual appetite, and lust, you have failed to show us that you have integrity. Also, we Rigellens value monogamy and honesty, and it’s clear you’re sadly lacking in both those areas. We cannot possibly consider you as a partner when you display such terrible personal traits!”

“There, see—do you see what you’ve done? You got us kicked out of the Trials,” Om’bobla snarled at his wife.

“You’re the one who got us kicked out by trying to fuck another woman—as usual!” she snapped back. “Well, here’s one woman you’re never going to fuck again—I’m leaving you, Om’bobla. I never want to see you again!”

“What? You can’t leave me now, while I’m wounded!” the squid man exclaimed.

“I can and I am. Goodbye!” Channa put her water chair in motion and floated regally out of the room. Om’bobla hobbled after her, cradling his swaddled dick in his arms, still protesting that she couldn’t leave him in this condition.

Elfa followed them both and closed the glass door firmly behind them. Then she turned to the panel of judges and nodded.

“They’re gone and I’ll see that they’re escorted off the planet.”

“Thank you, Elfa. I’m glad that’s all settled.”

The Mining Director gave a huge sigh. He turned to Rarev and Em and Lord Torrid and Lady Tabuu. “Now then, as to the remaining contestants: I know you’ve all been through a most trying time—especially Minister Oxley—and I would understand if you wanted some time before we convene the Third Trial, since both of you have already passed the Second.”

“Thank you, Director—I think that should be up to Minister Oxley,” Lord Torrid said, rather unexpectedly, Em thought. Lady Tabuu nodded and suddenly she found that everyone was looking at her, Rarev included.

“Do you want to delay, my l’eeja?” he purred softly, looking into her eyes. “I would understand if you did. You’ve been through a lot in a very short period of time.”

Em knew he was talking about the events of the night before, not just the squid man’s attempted rape.

Taking a deep breath, she shook her head.

“No,” she said in a low voice. “No, I don’t want to delay.”

Rarev frowned.

“But, Emilia—”

“There might be another Darkling attack any moment—we can’t afford to put things off, just for the sake of my nerves,” Em said firmly. She took another deep breath and turned to the Mining Director. “I don’t want to wait—let’s get on with the Third Trial—whatever it is.”

He nodded gravely.

“Very well, Minister Oxley—you’re very brave and I want you to know our panel of judges takes note of your courage, which is another personal trait we Rigellens value highly. As everyone is in agreement, let the Third Trial—the Trial of Taking—commence!”

Em nodded back, wondering what in the world the third and final Trial would consist of.

She supposed she would find out soon enough…


“The Trial of Taking is about the way you express yourselves through your lovemaking,” the Director of Mining explained. “That is to say, one of you must take the other sexually and we will judge you on your performance and erotic ability.”

They were back in the Trial room with its huge crystal domes again, only this time there were just two couples. Lady Tabuu and Lord Torrid were clearly eager to begin exhibiting their lovemaking skills. They were already “warming up” by licking each other’s naked bodies and moaning loudly.

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