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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“I know, my l’eeja, but you’re all right. The pleasure will be less intense now that we’re bonded,” he murmured.

Em realized that she’d heard those last words inside her head. She remembered him telling her that they would be able to hear each other’s thoughts and feel each other’s emotions after the soul-bond was formed.

Is that what’s happening? We’re bonded and now I can hear him in my head? she wondered.

“Yes, my l’eeja—that is exactly what’s happened,” Rarev informed her. His mental voice had the same deep, purring tone as his speaking voice, she thought.

“I like the sound of your voice too, sweetheart,” he sent to her. “Relax back against me now and just open and let me fill you.”

“Again?” Em sent, trying their new link for the first time on purpose. “But…but you just, er, filled me!”

“And I will again—many times,” Rarev told her. “Bonding sex takes a long time, sweetheart. I’ll need to fill you with my seed over and over before my Knot goes down enough for me to withdraw from your pussy.”

“You will?” Em wondered how they would manage it.

“We’ll manage,” Rarev assured her. “Just lay back against me and let me hold you and fill you, my l’eeja. Just open yourself and let me make love to you.”

There was a sad undertone in his voice that made Em wonder what was going on. Was he upset because he had broken his vow?

But the next moment he thrust into her again and the barbs along his spine re-engaged, injecting her with another dose of Bonding Fluid. The orgasm wasn’t as strong this time—which was to say, it wasn’t the blinding white sheet of lightning that had nearly made her lose her senses. But it was strong enough to make Em moan and writhe and nearly lose control.

Rarev held her firmly, whispering in her mind that she had to be strong—that bonding sex took a long time and was very intense but that he was right there with her and would never let her go.

Em moaned and laid her head on his shoulder and let the pleasure roll through her as he continued to bond her to him. She would simply have to endure until the Mating Knot inside her went down enough for the big Monstrum to withdraw from her pussy.

There was literally nothing else she could do.


Later, Em wasn’t sure how long the ordeal lasted. Over and over and over Rarev filled her with his seed, over and over the sharp spines on his shaft injected her with his Bonding Fluid. Over and over she came—long, hard orgasms that wracked her entire body with a pleasure so deep it was almost pain.

By the end of it, only Rarev’s strong arms around her kept her from collapsing. It was like running a marathon when you haven’t trained for it, she thought dimly. After years and years of never even being touched by a man, she wasn’t prepared for the incredibly intense experience of bonding with a Monstrum.

At last he murmured through their link,

“It’s over now, my l’eeja. Our bonding is finished.”

With a mixture of relief and regret, Em felt the huge shaft slipping from her. Rarev released her gently and she lay on her side, panting, trying to regain her composure.

“We shouldn’t have done that,” he murmured and she felt his regret through their bond—his utter shame that he had failed and broken the sacred vow he had taken before the Kindred Goddess.

“I know,” Em said weakly. “And I’m sorry, Rarev—so sorry!” She wanted to explain that she hadn’t meant to impale herself on his Mating Knot that way. That the blue Rigellen face peering in at her like a gibbous moon looming right in front of her had scared her into jerking backwards and the whole thing was just a great, bloody mistake.

But she didn’t feel that she had the strength at the moment—she really felt as though she’d run a marathon and all she could do was try to get her breath back.

“It’s all right, my l’eeja—I know it wasn’t your fault,” Rarev sent through their link. “I would never blame you. I am the one at fault—I have broken my sacred vow and now I must pay for it.”

Em hadn’t thought she had any strength left for conversation, but this grim statement made her sit up and look at him with concern.

“Pay for it? How do you mean?” she asked, frowning.

“I must give up the leadership of my people—I will step down in disgrace.” His golden eyes were downcast as he spoke and Em felt his pain and shame clearly through their bond.

“No!” she exclaimed, frowning at him. “No, you can’t do that—your people need you! There must be another way. In fact…” She frowned, probing at the connection that had formed between them. “There is another way—I can feel you thinking of it, only I can’t quite see it.”

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