Immortal in Death (In Death 3) - Page 40

‘That’s one way of looking at it.’ Uneasy, Eve rose to program coffee for herself. ‘Mavis, I don’t want you to worry or be upset, but this isn’t going to be a glide through the park.’

‘I’m not stupid, Dallas.’

‘I didn’t mean—’

‘You’re thinking I’m not aware of the worst that could happen. I am, but I just don’t believe the worst is going to happen. From now on, I’m thinking positive, and I’m giving you that favor you asked me to give you yesterday.’

‘Okay. We’ve got a lot of work to do. I want you to concentrate, try to remember details. Any detail, no matter how small or insignificant - What’s this?’ she demanded as Roarke set a bowl in front of her.

‘Your breakfast.’

‘It’s oatmeal.’


She frowned at it. ‘Why can’t I have one of those crepes?’

‘You can, after you eat your oatmeal.’

Eyes hot, she shoveled in a mouthful. ‘We’re really going to talk.’

‘You guys are great together. I’m really glad I’ve had this chance to see it up close and personal. Not that I didn’t think it was great all along, but mostly I was just jazzed that Dallas had landed a rich one.’ Mavis beamed at Roarke.

‘That’s what friends are for.’

‘Yeah, but it’s so mag the way you keep her in line. Nobody ever could before.’

‘Shut up, Mavis. You think, and think hard, but you don’t tell me anything until you’ve cleared it with your lawyers.’

‘They already advised me of that. I figure it’s going to work just like it does when I’m trying to remember a name or where I put something. You stop thinking about it, start doing other stuff, then zip, it pops into your head. So, I’m doing other stuff, and the big one is the wedding. Leonardo said you need to do your first fitting very soon.’

‘Leonardo?’ Eve all but lunged out of the chair. ‘You’ve been talking to Leonardo?’

‘The lawyers cleared it. They think it’s a good thing for us to resume our relationship. It adds a sympathy and romance factor in

the public awareness.’ Mavis leaned an elbow on the table and began to toy with the trio of earrings she’d hung in her left lobe. ‘You know, they only ditched the truth detection test and hypnosis because they can’t be sure what I’ll remember. They mostly believe me, but they can’t take chances. But they said seeing Leonardo is cool. So we need to set up that fitting.’

‘I don’t have time to think about fittings. Christ, Jesus, Mavis, you think I’m going to fuss with designs and flowers now? I’m not getting married until this is cleared up. Roarke understands that.’

Roarke took out a cigarette, studied it. ‘No, he doesn’t.’

‘Now, listen—’

‘No, you listen.’ Mavis stood up, her bright blue hair glinting in the sunlight. ‘I’m not letting this mess screw up something this important to me. Pandora did her best to fuck with my life and Leonardo’s. And she did worse by dying. She is not going to fuck with this. These plans are not on hold, Dallas, and you just better make time in your schedule for the fitting.’

She couldn’t argue, not with the sheen of tears in Mavis’s eyes. ‘Okay, fine. Great. I’ll deal with the stupid dress.’

‘It’s not a stupid dress. It’s going to be a sensational dress.’

‘That’s what I meant.’

‘Better.’ She sniffed, sat. ‘When can I tell him we’ll get together for it?’

‘Ah . . . listen. It’s better for your case, and your fancy lawyers would back me up, if you and I aren’t seen running around together. Primary investigator and defendant. It doesn’t look good.’

‘You mean I can’t—’ Mavis shut her mouth, regrouped. ‘All right then, we won’t go running around together. Leonardo can work here. Roarke won’t mind, will you?’

‘On the contrary.’ He took a satisfied drag on his cigarette. ‘I think it’s a perfect solution.’

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024