Immortal in Death (In Death 3) - Page 45

‘I came here; tended to my shoulder. It was a nasty bite. I thought I’d do a little work, made some calls to the coast. Then I went to my club, used the after-hours entrance, and spent a couple of hours having a steam, a swim.’

‘What time did you get to your club?’

‘I’d say it was around two. I know it was well past four when I got home.’

‘Did you see or speak to anyone during the hours of two and five A.M.?’

‘No. One of the reasons I often use the club at those hours is for the privacy. I have my own facilities on the coast, but here, I have to make do with membership.’

‘The name of your club?’

‘The Olympus, on Madison.’ He arched a brow. ‘I see my alibi isn’t without its problems. I did, however, code in and out. It’s required.’

‘I’m sure it is.’ And she would certainly see if he had. ‘Are you aware of anyone who would have wished Pandora harm?’

‘Lieutenant, the list would be as long as life.’ He smiled again, perfect teeth, eyes that were both amused and predatory. ‘I don’t happen to count myself among them, merely because she didn’t matter that much to me.’

‘Did you share Pandora’s latest drug of choice?’

He stiffened, hesitated, then relaxed again. ‘That was an excellent ploy. Non sequiturs often catch the unwary off guard. I’ll state, for the record, that I never touch illegals of any kind.’ But his smile was wide and easy, and told her quite plainly, he lied. ‘I was aware that Pandora dabbled now and again. I considered it her own business. I’d have to agree that she’d found something new, something she seemed to be overdoing. In fact, I’d come into her bedroom earlier that last evening.’

He paused a moment, as if thinking back, bringing a scene into focus. ‘She’d taken a pill of some kind out of a small, beautiful little wooden box. Chinese, I think. The box,’ he added with a quick smile. ‘She was surprised because I was early, and shoved the box into a drawer on her vanity and locked it. I asked what she was protecting, and she said . . .’ He paused again, eyes narrowed. ‘What did she say? Her treasure, her fortune. No, no, something like: Her reward. Yes, I’m sure that’s what she said. Then she popped the pill, chased it with champagne. Then we had sex. It seemed to me she was distracted at first, then suddenly she was wild, insatiable. I don’t believe it had ever been quite that potent between us. We dressed and went down. Jerry and Justin were just arriving. I never asked her any more about it. It just didn’t apply to me.’

‘Impressions, Peabody?’

‘He’s slick.’

‘So’s slime.’ Eve shoved her hands into her pockets as the elevator descended, toyed with loose credit tokens. ‘He despised her, but he slept with her, was willing to use her.’

‘I think he found her pathetic, potentially dangerous, but marketable.’

‘And, if that marketability had waned or the danger increased, could he have killed her?’

‘In a heartbeat.’ Peabody stepped into the garage first. ‘Conscience isn’t his priority. If this deal they had were tipping the wrong way, or if she had anything to pressure him with, he’d erase her. People that smug, that controlled, tend to have a lot of violence bubbling somewhere. And his alibi sucks.’

‘Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?’ The possibilities made Eve grin. ‘We’re going to check that out, right after we go by Pandora’s and find her cache. Inform Dispatch,’ she ordered. ‘Make sure we’re clear to pop locks.’

‘That wouldn’t stop you,’ Peabody murmured, but engaged the ’link.

The box was gone. It was such a stunning letdown that Eve stood in Pandora’s lavishly ornate bedroom staring down at the drawer for a full ten seconds before it fully registered it was empty.

‘This is a vanity, right?’

‘That’s what they call it. Look at all the bottles and pots on it. Creams for this, creams for that. That’s why it’s called a vanity.’ She couldn’t help herself. Peabody picked up a jar the size of the first joint of her thumb. ‘Ever Young cream. You know what this shit goes for, Dallas? Five hundred over the counter at Saks. Five hundred for a lousy half ounce. Talk about vanity.’

She set it down again, ashamed she’d been tempted, even for an instant, to stick it in her pocket. ‘You add all this stuff up, she’s got ten, maybe fifteen thousand worth of enhancements. ’

‘Get a grip, Peabody.’

‘Yes, sir. Sorry.’

‘We’re looking for a box. The sweepers have already done the standard here, taken in the discs from her ’links. We know she didn’t get any calls that night, or make any. From here, anyway. She’s pissed. She’s revved. What does she do?’

Eve continued to open drawers, paw through them as she spoke. ‘She drinks more, maybe, rants around the house thinking of all the things she’d like to do to the people who’ve ticked her off. Bastards, bitches. Who the hell do they think they are? She can have anything and anyone she wants. Maybe she comes in here and pops another pill, just to keep the energy up.’

Hopeful, though it was a plain, enameled box rather than an ornate wooden one, Eve flipped a lid. Inside was an assortment of rings. Gold, silver, gleaming porcelain, carved ivory.

‘Funny place to keep jewelry,’ Peabody commented. ‘I mean she’s got this big glass chest here for her costume, and the safe for the real stuff.’

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024