Rapture in Death (In Death 4) - Page 51

“Dallas.” Leonardo’s moon-sized face creased into a grin when he spotted her. He swept across the room, a giant in a magenta skin suit overbloused with emerald gauze. No wonder Mavis adored him. He caught Eve up in a bone crushing hug, then narrowed his eyes. “You haven’t dealt with your hair yet. I’ll call Trina myself.”

“Oh. Well.” Intimidated, Eve raked her fingers through her short, messy cap of hair. ?

?I don’t really have time right now to—”

“You have to make time for personal appearance. Not only are you an important public figure in your own right, but you’re Roarke’s wife.”

She was a cop, damn it. Suspects and victims didn’t give a rat’s ass about her hairdo. “Right. As soon as—”

“You’re neglecting your treatments,” he accused her, simply rolling over her excuses like a big smooth boulder down a bumpy slope. “Your eyes are strained and your brows need shaping.”

“Yeah, but—”

“Trina will be in touch to set up a session. Now then.” He propelled her across the room, all but dumped her into a chair. “Relax,” he ordered. “Put your feet up. You’ve had a long day. Can I get you anything?”

“No, really. I’m—”

“Some wine.” Inspired, he beamed, gave her shoulder a quick rub. “I’ll see to it. And don’t worry. Jess and I won’t keep you long.”

“No use arguing with a born nurturer,” Jess commented as Leonardo moved off to order the wine for Eve. “Nice to see you, Lieutenant.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me I’ve lost weight, or gained it, or need a facial?” But she blew out a breath and leaned back. It did feel incredibly good to sit in a chair that wasn’t designed to torture the ass. “Okay, let’s have it. Something must be up for you to tolerate Summerset insulting you until I got home.”

“Actually, he just looked appalled and closed us in here. I do think he’s going to run a room scan after we’re gone to be sure we didn’t lift any of the knickknacks.” Jess sat down, cross-legged, on the cushion at her feet. His silver eyes were smiling, his voice smooth as Bavarian cream. “Great knickknacks, by the way.”

“We like them. If you’d wanted the tour, you should have said so before Leonardo set me down. I’m going to stay here awhile.”

“Looking at you will do just fine. I hope you don’t mind me saying you’re the most attractive cop I’ve ever. . . rubbed shoulders with.”

“Have we rubbed shoulders, Jess?” Her brows lifted, disappearing under her bangs. “I hadn’t noticed.”

He chuckled, patted her knee with one of his beautiful hands. “I would love that tour, sometime or other. But right now we have a favor to ask.”

“Got a traffic blot you need fixing?”

His lovely face beamed. “Well, now that you mention it—”

Leonardo carried the crystal glass filled with pale gold wine across the room himself. “Don’t tease her, Jess.”

Eve accepted the glass, glanced up at Leonardo. “He’s not teasing me, he’s flirting with me. He likes to live dangerously.”

Jess let out an appealingly musical laugh. “Caught. Happily married women are the safest to flirt with.” He spread his hands as she sipped, considered him. “No harm, no foul.” He picked up her hand, ran a fingertip along the intricate carving on her wedding ring.

“The last man who messed with me is doing life in lockup,” Eve said casually. “That’s after I beat the crap out of him.”

“Oops.” Chuckling, Jess released her hand. “Maybe I’d better let Leonardo ask for the favor.”

“It’s for Mavis,” Leonardo said, and his eyes became warm and liquid as he spoke her name. “Jess thinks the demo disc is ready. Music and entertainment is a tough field, you know. Crowded, competitive, and Mavis has her heart set on making it. After what happened with Pandora—” He shuddered delicately. “Well, after what happened before, and Mavis being arrested, fired from the Blue Squirrel, going through all of that . . . It’s been rough on her.”

“I know.” The guilt set in again, for her part in it. “It’s behind her now.”

“Thanks to you.” Though Eve shook her head, Leonardo insisted. “You believed her, you worked for her, you saved her. Now I’m going to ask you for something else because I know you love her as much as I do.”

Eve’s eyes narrowed. “You’re boxing me in very neatly, aren’t you?”

He didn’t bother to suppress the smile. “I hope so.”

“It’s my idea,” Jess interrupted. “Leonardo had to be nudged some to approach you with it. He didn’t want to take advantage of your friendship or your position.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
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