Portrait in Death (In Death 16) - Page 28

Stopped in traffic, Eve studied her aide. The rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes didn’t quite blend with the spit and polish of the uniform and hard, black cop shoes.

“Why are you smiling all the time? It’s starting to make me nervous.”

“Am I?” Peabody kept on grinning. “I guess I had a really enjoyable wake-up call this morning. That’s a euphemism for—”

“I know what it’s a euphemism for. Christ.” Eve punched through a gap in traffic, then braked a breath away from the bumper of a Rapid Cab. “Just get your mind out of bed with the rest of you.”

“But it really likes it there. It’s all warm and soft and . . .” She trailed off at Eve’s fulminating look, and studied the roof of the vehicle. “Somebody didn’t get their enjoyable wake-up call this morning.”

“You know, Peabody, when you started to have regular sex, if such a term can be used to describe whatever it is that goes on with you and McNab, I figured you’d stop thinking and talking about sex all the damn time.”

“Isn’t it nice to be surprised? But since it’s making you grouchy we’ll talk about something else. How’s Summerset doing?”

“I’m not grouchy,” Eve muttered. “Old men who hang out in the park and shake their fists at small children are grouchy. Summerset’s all right. Well enough to give Roarke a shitload of grief about being in the hospital in the first place.”

“Well, Roarke should be used to that.”

Eve sucked air through her nose. “The next person, the very next person, who says that is going to know my wrath.”

“I’m on a first-name basis with your wrath, sir. I guess this isn’t the best time to tell you that McNab and I are thinking of cohabitating.”

“Oh my God. My eye.” Desperate, Eve pressed her fist to the twitch. “Not while I’m driving.”

“We’re going to start to look for a place because both of our apartments are too small.” Peabody spoke in a rush, wanting to get it all out before her lieutenant imploded. “So I was wondering, after things calm down at your place, maybe you could ask Roarke if he has any units available downtown. Anything within, say, a ten-block radius of Central would be great.”

“My ears are ringing. I can’t hear you because there’s this strange ringing in my ears.”

“Dallas,” Peabody said, pitifully.

“Don’t look at me like that. I hate when you look at me like that. Like a damn cocker spaniel. I’ll ask, I’ll ask. Just don’t, in the name of all that’s holy, talk about it anymore.”

“No, sir. Thank you, sir.” Though she pressed her lips together, Peabody couldn’t quite defeat the smug grin.

“Wipe that smile off your face.” Eve wrenched the wheel and managed a full block before traffic slowed down again. “Maybe you’d be mildly interested in some pesky investigative work I’ve been toying with in my free time.”

“Yes, sir. I’m all nonringing ears.”

“Diego Feliciano. Works in a family-owned Mex eatery called Hola. Off Broadway at 125th. Between City College and Columbia. Lots of college trade. Diego’s a bit of an entrepreneur and has, allegedly, picked up extra credit supplying some of the coeds, and their dedicated teachers, with Zoner and Push along with their burritos. Several arrests, but no convictions on that score.”

“Does this mean tacos for lunch?”

“I like a good taco. Get Feeney on the ’link. I want to know what EDD’s got on the transmission to Nadine.”

“They’d eliminated thirty percent of the stations by twenty-two hundred last night, and were resuming the search and scan through Make The Scene at oh eight hundred this morning. They expect to have the unit tagged by midday.”

“And how does my aide come by this information before I do?”

“Well, you know . . . pillow talk. See, sex—in this case—is an advantage to you. McNab said they’d get through faster, but at data clubs like that, the units are totally clogged. But he’s on it and it’s his top priority.”

She cleared her throat when Eve made no comment. “Should I still contact Captain Feeney?”

“Oh, Feeney and I appear to be superfluous at this point. You and McPecker can fill us in whenever you feel it’s appropriate.”

“McPecker.” Peabody snorted. “That’s a good one. I’m going to use it on him.”

“Happy to help.” She shot Peabody a deceptively friendly look. “Perhaps I’m wasting my time going to the lab. Have you and Dickie also had a liaison?”


Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
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