Divided in Death (In Death 18) - Page 56

The question, Roarke knew, wasn’t directed at him. But to answer he magnified again and let the disc play forward.

“Yes, yes, it moves. Barely a shadow when it moves. More detectable when it rests.”

“And your conclusion?”

“The device is planted on a movable object. A person or droid. It’s highly sophisticated. Minute and very well shielded. Ours?”

“I don’t think so, but we’ll work on that. This is a security print of the lab, Tokimoto. And this . . .” He tapped a finger on the screen where the shadow was darkest. “This is Reva’s station.”

“There is a mistake.”

“It’s not a mistake.”

“She would never betray you or her associates. She’s honorable.”

“No, I don’t think she’d betray me, or you. I’m going to ask you this once. Have you been approached by any outside party regarding the Code Red?”

“I have not.” It was said simply, with no hints of insult, annoyance, or fear. “Had I been, I would have reported to you.”

“Yes, I believe that. Because you’re honorable, Tokimoto. I’m showing you this because you are. Because in this very delicate matter, I’m trusting you.”

“You have my loyalty, but I won’t believe this of Reva.”

“Neither will I. How, in your opinion, could this bug have infected the lab?”

“On a person, as I said.”

“On her person.”

Tokimoto’s brow creased as he studied the screen again. “This is contradictory to me. She would know if she carried a device, and she would not enter the lab. Therefore, she could not have carried a device. In addition, lab security is meticulous and multilayered and would have detected a device. Therefore, a device could not have penetrated the lab. Yet it did.”

“That’s very logical, Tokimoto, but expand your thinking. How might Reva have brought a device into the lab, unknowingly, that penetrated lab security?”

“She’s an expert, and your scanners are the most powerful available. It’s impossible that a device was planted on her person and escaped her detection, and the scanners. It is . . .”

He stopped, straightened, and Roarke watched the idea bloom on his face.

“Internally,” Roarke supplied.

“Such things are possible, in theory. Some have been tested. Those in development, including those worked on here, haven’t proven effective.”

“The device can be injected, under the skin.”

“In theory.”

“All right, thank you.” Roarke rose.

“Is she . . . Is Ewing in some sort of danger?”

“She’s protected. It would do her good to hear from a friend who sympathized and believed in her. Meanwhile, I want work on the Code Red to move around the clock. Four shifts. If she’s up to it, Reva will be back tomorrow.”

“It will be good to have her. She should know of this, but I won’t speak of it if that’s your wish.”

“I’m on my way to tell her myself. If you discuss it with her, do it in the vault.” He started for the door, stopped. “Yoshi, life is never as long as we want it to be, and wasted time can never be recovered.”

A ghost of a smile curved Tokimoto’s lips. “A proverb.”

“No. It’s my way of telling you to make a goddamn move.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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