Visions in Death (In Death 19) - Page 137

“He knocked her down. He was kicking her, and she was fighting him. He hurt her. It was terrible. For a minute, I thought she was dead, but—”

“She’s not. She’s holding.”

Celina clutched the coffee in both hands. “She’s not like the others. I don’t understand.”

“I do. Just tell me what you saw. I want the details.”

“They’re not clear. It’s so damn frustrating.” She set the mug down with a snap. “I talked to Dr. Mira, but she won’t budge on the time element for the next session. I wanted to go under immediately. I know, I know I’d see more. But I saw—I heard—screaming, shouting, and he threw Peabody down. I saw him jump into . . . It was a van. I’m sure it was a van. Dark. But everything seemed dark. He was hurt. There was pain.”

“She got to her weapon.”

“Oh. Good. Good. He was afraid. I feel . . . it’s hard to explain it, but I feel it. His fear. And not just of being seen, or caught, but of something else. More. Of not finishing? I want to know, I want to help. Can you convince Dr. Mira?”

“She won’t budge for you, she won’t for me.” Sitting on her desk, Eve tapped her fingers on her knee. “If I could get a personal item from someone I believe was a victim, a previous victim, would you get anything from it?”

“Very possibly.” Excitement shone in Celina’s eyes as she leaned forward. “It’s more what I do. That connection. If I could link, I might see something.”

“I’ll work on that. I don’t know if I can be there for your session today. We’ve caught a break and I’m following it through. The witnesses from last night got a pretty good look at him.”

“Thank God. If you can identify him, this will be over. Thank God.”

“I’ll work on getting you something as soon as I can.”

“Anytime. Absolutely anytime. I’ll come in as soon as you want me. I’m sick about Peabody, Dallas. Just sick about it.”

Some time during the endless night, McNab dropped off in the chair beside Peabody’s bed. He’d lowered the guard so he could reach her more easily, and when fatigue won, he rested his head beside her breast with his hand under the sheet and linked with hers.

He didn’t know what woke him—the pings of the monitors, the shuffle of feet outside the room, the light that spilled through the window. But he lifted his head, winced with the crick in his neck, rubbing it out as he studied her face.

They hadn’t yet treated the bruising, and it broke his heart to see her face so damaged. It twisted his belly to see her so still.

“It’s morning.” He cleared the worst of the hoarseness from his voice. “Morning, baby. Ah, sun’s out, but it looks like we might get some rain. You, ah, had a lot of people in and out, checking on you. If you don’t wake up, you’re going to miss all the attention. I was going to get you flowers, but I didn’t want to leave you that long. You wake up, and I’ll take care of that. Want some flowers? Come on, She-body, rise and shine.”

He slipped her hand out, pressed it to his cheek. There were nasty abrasions down the arm where it had skidded over the sidewalk.

“Come on, come on back. We got a lot to do, you know. Moving day.”

He kept her hand there as he turned his head and watched Mavis come in.

She said nothing, only walked to him, laid a hand on the back of his head.

“How’d you get by the dragons?”

“Said I was her sister.”

It made him close his eyes. “Close enough. She’s still out.”

“Bet she knows you’re here.” Mavis leaned over, touched her lips to his cheek. “Leonardo’s down getting her some flowers. She’ll like having them when she wakes up.”

“We were just talking about that. Oh, Christ.” He turned his head, pressed his face into Mavis’s side as he fought to hold on.

She waited, stroking his hair until the tremors passed, and he was able to draw a steady breath. “I’ll sit with her if you want to take a walk, get some air.”

“I can’t.”


He shifted, but stayed close so they watched the steady rise and fall of Peabody’s chest together. “Louise checked on her a few times. I think she and Charles stayed most of the night.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024