Origin in Death (In Death 21) - Page 110

"No, but it's the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and they'll be staying a few days. As we discussed."

"Yeah, but we didn't discuss Wednesday, specifically, right?"

"You didn't even know tomorrow was Wednesday."

"Beside the point. I'll shake some time loose if I can. Right now, I've got a big, fat mess waiting to crap all over me."

"You've had the shittiest imagery going lately. Still, it might perk you up to know I've got a line on more of the money."

"Why didn't you say so in the first place? Where-"

"Darling, of course, you're welcome. Don't think a thing about the fact I've been wracking my brain over this little chore."

"Jeez. Okay, thanks. Kiss, kiss. Gimme."

"I adore you. There are times I don't comprehend why, but still, I adore you. There's what you could call a funnel leading out of Brookhollow, and-"

"Out of the school? They used the schools to disburse funds? Forget kiss, kiss. This plays out, I'll screw you blind and deaf, first op."

"That sounds lovely, I'll check my schedule. Meanwhile, yes, they've used the school to wash the funds, then funnel it out to various ac­counts, under various nonprofit organizations-including Unilab- set up-"

"Nonprofit?" She did a little victory dance. "I'll wear costumes, your choice."

"Well now, that is interesting. I've always had a little yen for-"

"We'll talk about it later. Document it, get me every little detail you can manage. If I can show they used the school for laundering unreported income, channeling it into nonprofits, I can use RICO, tax fraud, all manner of juicy stuff, and have those schools shut down whether or not we find anything wonky on premises."

"You'll have to hand it to Federal."

"I won't give a rat's ass. You know how long it would take to ferret out every facility where they might be doing this work, aspects of this work, moving girls out? But you cut off the funding, you cut off the work. I gotta go, somebody's coming to the door. Might be Avril's rep. I'll get back to you."

She started toward the door with a little spring in her step. She could see how it could work, nearly all the way through.

Then she heard the security green light go on. She drew her weapon as the front door opened.

And held it steady even as her heart gave a little thud.

Two women stood just beyond the threshold. They were identical- face, hair, body. Even down to clothes and jewelry.

Both gave her a slow, sober smile. "Lieutenant Dallas, we're Avril Icove," they said together.

"Hands behind your heads, turn and face the wall."

"We're unarmed," they said.

"Hands behind your heads," Eve repeated levelly. "Turn and face the wall."

They obeyed, their movements in synch. Eve took out her commu­nicator. "Peabody, secure the witness. Bring her down now."

"On our way."

Eve patted each of them down. Weird, she thought, to feel exactly the same shape, the same textures.

"We've come to answer your questions," the one on the right told her.

"We'll waive the right to an attorney at this time." Both glanced over their shoulders. "We'll give you full cooperation."

"That'll be peachy."

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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