Celebrity in Death (In Death 34) - Page 124

“Of course.”

She frowned at the blank screen on the ’link. How was she supposed to know it was that easy? If she’d known it was that easy, she could’ve contacted the transpo station herself. Still, Summerset could likely cut through it all faster anyway.


“What?” Distracted, she glanced over, saw Reo at the door. “Yeah.”

“You got your warrant. I let Feeney know.”

“Good. We’ll start rolling the ball.”

“You don’t want to hear it, I know, but you’re going to have to be really lucky for him to say anything you can take to court on these murders.”

“He may say something that leads to something else, that can be. It’s a process, Reo.”

“And one that may take years—if ever—to build a case against him for the old murders. Shouldn’t you focus on the two already in your hands?”

“I can focus on more than one goal at a time. A college kid, a pregnant woman, a husband and father, an old man, a woman smart enough to divorce him, some guy just doing his job. Who do you want me to forget?”

“None of them. But if you can close it down on Harris and Asner, he’s never going to see daylight again. He’s only got one life, Dallas, and if we do this right he’ll spend what’s left of his in a cage.”

“That’d be fine, if it was only about him. It’s also about seven people and the lives they’ll never get to live. Did you look at them?” Eve demanded.

“Yes. I know. I know, Dallas. I want him for all of them. I want to prosecute him for every one, and win. Which is a fantasy because if we ever got enough to take him down for all of them, my boss would be all over it, and I’ll settle for first chair. But I’d settle, now, for a solid case on one count—put him away, and hope we can gather the others over time.”

“I’m not ready to settle. When we get enough to box him on Harris and Asn

er—or either—I’m going to break him to pieces on the rest. On the whole. Then I’m going to hand you those pieces on a platter.”

“And I’d take them. Mira’s worried. You got that, too? She’s worried he’ll find a way to block the light on him and beam it on someone else. Or worse. We don’t want to add another to his scoreboard.”

“I know how he thinks now. I’m going to stay ahead of him.”

“Keep me in the loop. And if you get me a couple more slivers, I’ll do a hard push for the search warrants.”

“You could try it now.”

Reo only shook her head. “I try it now, I’m going to get a no. I get a no, it’s harder to get a yes later.”

Eve saw the logic, even if she didn’t like it. “You know when we—me and Peabody—went to the set before Harris got dead and things got sticky, they were shooting this scene where a feisty young APA accompanies two homicide cops into the Icove residence, and when they find a DB, the APA passes out cold.”

“Crap. Crap. They put that in there?” Her face a study in mortification and annoyance, Reo did a quick circle. “Crap. It was my first body. It could’ve happened to anyone.”

“It happened to you. The actress went down really graceful.”

“You enjoyed it.” Eyes slitted, Reo pointed a finger. “You enjoy my video humiliation.”

“It doesn’t suck for me. And if memory serves, you made up for it. You stuck your neck out, you got things done.”

Reo sighed. “Get me a sliver. One sliver, and I’ll stick it out again.”

“Get ready to do just that.” Eve grabbed her coat.

“Oh my God.” Reo made a hum of almost sexual pleasure.

“Really?” Keeping some distance, Eve shrugged into the coat. “Seriously, sex noises over a coat?”

“It’s … delicious.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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