Her indifference put more pain in my heart. My
eyes flashed over to Chris, who had bowed his head
low, taking all this in, but saying nothing "How long
is our imprisonment going to last, Momma?" "A short while, Cathy, only a short while longer--
believe that."
"Another month?"
"Could you manage, somehow, to sneak up here
and take the twins outside, say, for a ride in your car?
You could plan it so the servants wouldn't see. I think
it would make an immense amount of difference.
Chris and I don't have to go."
She spun around and glanced at my older brother
to see if he were in this plot with me, but surprise was
a dead giveaway on his face. "No! Of course not! I
can't take a risk tike that! Eight servants work in this
house, and though their quarters are quite cut off from
the main house, there is always someone looking out a
window, and they would hear me start up the car.
Being curious, they'd look to see which direction I
My voice turned cold. "Then would you please see if you can manage to bring up fresh fruit, especially bananas. You know how the twins love
bananas, and they haven't had one since we came." "Tomorrow I'll bring bananas. Your grandfather
doesn't like them."
"What has he got to do with it?"
"It's the reason bananas are not purchased." "You drive back and forth to secretarial school
every weekday--stop yourself and buy the bananas--
and more peanuts, and raisins. And why can't they
have a box of popcorn once in a while? Certainly that
won't rot their teeth!"