Dark Child (Wild Men 5) - Page 112

Merc is trying to catch the kitty who’s balancing on top of his closet. “Come down now.” He points at the floor, then lifts his hand up—and lo and behold, the kitten lets him catch her.

He sure has a way with the girls, this boy.

“There we go,” he mutters, lowering the cat to the floor where she scampers away, tail held high and ears flattened. He winks at me as he straightens and flexes his biceps for my benefit. “Rescue mission was a success.”

I stifle my laughter and nod solemnly. “Don’t try this at home, kids. It’s dangerous.”

“Join us again later for more adventures with Hiccup the Cat.” He bows, pressing one hand to his chest, golden hair falling over his face, and grins up at me. “We especially welcome sexy dark-haired girls who answer to the name of Cosima.”

“You do, huh?” Heat suffuses my face. I bite my lip, a snort escaping me.

“Cross my heart,” he promises, and grabs me around the waist, then flops backward onto the bed, pulling me on top of him.

“Merc,” I gasp.

“Right here,” he says, blue eyes bright.

He looks so happy, so carefree, it’s hard to reconcile this Merc with the shivering, nightmare-ridden version of him I saw earlier on. If not for the dark circles under his eyes, I’d have dismissed it as—ha!—a bad dream.

My boobs are mashed to his hard chest, his arms locked around me, his cock poking me in the hip, stiff and insistent.

That cock is serious business, but he’s still grinning, and I’m torn between laughing and moaning with desire. I’m sprawled over him, the T-shirt hiking up so that my ass is in the air, and my bare pussy pressed to his lower stomach.

I clench deep inside, getting wet all over again.

It’s as if we didn’t spend the night fucking, as if I’m not sore. I’m already ready for more, craving his cock inside me.

It’s so easy to get used to the pleasure of having him near, under me, around me, inside me…

“Everything okay?” His voice is husky, and his cock is now so hard it has to hurt, big and hot like fire, caught between our bodies. “You’re frowning.”

Have I mentioned how I love that he’s ignoring his hard-on to focus on me? That he notices my expression, that he takes his time to make sure I’m all right. Not that I don’t love the fact he wants me so much.

Loving it.

“Merc… I need to go back.”

“Back where?” He smooths a hand over his T-shirt, a black Skull-ridden one. “Why?”

“To Springfield to get my stuff. All my stuff is in with Lin, my friend. And I don’t have a job, even though I applied for a couple, and I don’t know if I should go back there and see if I find something through my contacts or—”

“No. Just…”

“What?” Let him ask me to stay. Let him say I can’t go.

But he sighs. “Nothing. Look, I can drive you there, help you move.”

Even though he didn’t say what I wanted to hear, he’s sweet. “I feel bad. How many times will you help me?”

“As many as it takes for you to trust me. Look, I got Hiccup to trust me. Now I’m working on getting you to do the same.”

Aw shucks. “It’s okay. Lin will drive me back. She wants to visit her parents anyway. You can’t keep skipping work and classes.”

“We’ll see. Maybe I can change your mind?” I gasp when he shifts, the base of his thick cock pressing between my legs. “Make sure you know you’ll miss me if you go without me.”

I can’t even laugh at this, because it’s true. I miss him every second I’m not with him, and when I am with him, I miss his touch every second he’s not plastered to me.

Christ, Cos.

Tags: Jo Raven Wild Men Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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