The Skin Collector (Lincoln Rhyme 11) - Page 139

'I suppose.'

Better in this sense: After they had completed the Modification here in New York, they'd return to their home in Southern Illinois, murder Matthew and blame it on some hapless black or Latino plucked at random from a soup kitchen in Alton or East St Louis. Matthew would be a martyr and Billy would take over the American Families First Council, building it into the finest militia in the country.

Billy would be king and Harriet queen. Or queen mother. Well, both really.

The AFFC was one of dozens of militias around the country all joined in a loose alliance. The names were different but the views virtually identical: state or municipal or - best of all - clan rights over federal, ending the liberal media's lock on propaganda, complete cessation of aid to or intervention in foreign countries, a ban on homosexuality (not just gay marriage), outlawing mixed marriage and supporting separate (and not necessarily equal) doctrines for the races, kicking all immigrants out of the country, a Christ-inspired government, homeschooling. Limitations on non-Christian religious practices.

Many, many Americans held these views or some of them but the problem such militias faced in expanding membership wasn't their views, but that they were run by people like Matthew Stanton - aging, unimaginative men with no appeal whatsoever except to aging unimaginative men.

There was no doubt that Uncle Matthew Stanton had been effective in his day. He was a charismatic lecturer and teacher. He believed to his core in the teachings of Christ and of the founding fathers - the devout Christian ones, at least. But he'd never had a win like the Oklahoma City bombing. And his proactive approach to fighting for the cause was the mundane killing or maiming of an abortion doctor occasionally, firebombing a clinic or IRS office, beating up migrant workers or Muslims or gays.

Harriet Stanton, though, far more ambitious than her husband, knew that the militia would die out within the next decade unless they brought new blood, new approaches to spreading their political message and appealing to a younger, hipper audience. The Modification had been her idea - though spoon-fed slowly to Matthew to make him believe that he'd thought of it.

As Harriet and Billy had lain on the settee in the Oleander Room several months ago, she'd explained her vision to her nephew. 'We need somebody in charge who can appeal to the new generation. Excitement. Enthusiasm. Creative thinking. Social media. You'll bring the young people in. When you talk about the Rule, they'll listen. The boys will idolize you. The girls'll have crushes. You can get them to do anything. You'll be the Harry Potter of the cause.

'After Matthew's dead your stock'll be through the roof. We can bring hundreds, thousands of young people into the fold. We'll take over Midwest Patriot Frontier.' This was a legendary militia not far from the AFFC hometown, headed by two visionary leaders. 'And we'll keep going, spread around the country.'

Harriet believed there were vast swaths of the American people who hated the direction the country was going and would join the AFFC. But they needed to know what dangers were out there - terrorists, Islamists, minorities, socialists. And they needed a charismatic young leader to protect them from those threats.

Harriet and Billy would save them all.

There was another reason for the coup. Harriet had limited power in the AFFC as it existed now - since she was, of course, merely a woman, the wife of the founder of the Council. Billy and the new generation believed that discrimination against women deflected from the important issues - of racial segregation and nationalism. As long as Matthew or his kind - the hunting and cigar-smoking sort - were in charge, Harriet would be marginalized. That was simply not acceptable. Billy would empower her.

Now, in the laundry room, he felt her gaze and finally looked back. This locking of eyes was as he'd remembered it for years. When he was atop her, every time he would press his face into the pillow but she would grip his hair and draw him back until they were pupil-to-pupil.

She asked, 'Now, what are the police leads like?'

'We're okay,' Billy said. 'The cops're good. Better than predicted but they bought your description - the Russian or Slav, thirty, round head, light blue eyes. The opposite of me.'

When Amelia Sachs had 'rescued' Harriet in the hospital, the woman had come up with a false description for the Identi-Kit artist, to lead the police away from her nephew, who'd come to the hospital not to ink another victim to death but merely to visit Matthew.

Billy asked about his cousin, was he handling everything all right?

'Josh is Josh,' Harriet said distractedly. Which pretty much described the mother-son relationship in a nutshell. Then she was laughing like a schoolgirl. 'We're having quite a trip to New York, aren't we? Didn't turn out the way we'd planned but I do think it's for the best. After the heart attack, Matthew'll be seen as weak. Easier for him to ... go away when we get back home. God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He?'

His aunt stepped forward, gripping his arm, and with her other hand brushed fingers across his smooth cheek.

A light flashed on the washer and it moved to a different portion of the cycle. Harriet looked at the machine with a critical eye. Billy recalled that at home she let clothing dry naturally on lines. He pictured them now, slumped body parts, swaying in the breeze. Sometimes she would bring lengths of clothesline to the Oleander Room.

He now saw that Harriet's hands were at her hair and the pins were coming out. She was smiling at him again. Smiling a certain way.

Now? Was she serious?

But why did he even bother to wonder? Aunt Harriet never kidded. She walked to the laundry room door and closed it.

The hypnotic rhythm of water sloshing was the only sound in the room.

Harriet locked the laundry room door. Then snapped out the overhead light.


'Bomb Squads are rolling,' Pulaski called.

'Good. So, did you find it, Mel?'

Cooper had a Bible pulled up on the main monitor. He was reading. 'Just like you said, Lincoln. In the book of Genesis.'

'Read it.'

Tags: Jeffery Deaver Lincoln Rhyme Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025