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Beautiful Mistakes

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But, as she looked at the test once more, she told herself one more time –hoping it might sink in—that she apparently was.

Nope, wasn't sinking in.

Apparently Matt wasn't having such a hard time dealing with the reality of the situation though, because she vaguely heard him walking away uttering a chorus of, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

That man was going to be the father of her child.

She was going to have a child.

What the hell was she going to do with a child?

Briefly, she thought a bit sarcastically that maybe he would leave Emma and they could be a happy little family unit.

Then she heard Emma's raised voice shrieking, "I want the whore out of my house, Matthew! Get that whore out of my house!"

Although she wasn't sure it was wise, Julie slowly made her way out of the bathroom, and was instantly caught by Emma's red-hot glare.

"You can get your things and get the fuck out of my house right now you fucking slut," she said without preamble.

Matt lightly touched Emma's arm and murmured, "Calm down, honey."

Inwardly, Julie flinched, but she hoped it didn't show on her face.

"Get her out," Emma growled venomously.

"She doesn't have anywhere to go tonight, Emma. Can't you just let her stay in the guest room tonight and then I'll make arrangements for her."

"Arrangements. You'll make arrangements for her?" Emma reiterated.

"Yes," he said, his tone pacifying.

All Julie could do was stare at him. How the hell could a man pull such a Jekyll and Hyde?

"Matt…" Julie said, her gaze saying what words could not.

His gaze met hers, and for just a brief second, she felt that the Matt she knew was looking at her.

But then –perhaps Emma also saw him—his wife began raging loudly. "No! I want that little whore out of my fucking house tonight, Matt. If she's not out tonight, then you can get your ass out tonight."

And just like that, her Matt was gone, and Emma's Matt was back, passively nodding his head. "I'll see what I can do."

Feeling as if she had been slapped, Julie squared her shoulders and tried to avoid Emma's victorious gaze as she turned and walked back into the guest room, figuring she should probably pack her things.

"Oh, and one more thing Julie," Emma said, for the first time using her real name.

Julie paused and glanced back over her shoulder.

Emma's eyes twinkled as she said, "You're fired."

Without a word, Julie continued her trek back to the guest room, trying to figure out what the hell she was going to do.

Chapter Eight-

Julie’s things were already packed and she was sitting on the edge of her temporary bed, staring listlessly at her cell phone.

She had no other option.

She was going to have to call Jack.

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