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Beautiful Mistakes

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"Bye," she said, hanging up before he even had a chance to say it back.

Sighing, she slipped the phone back into her purse.

"That was the infamous Jack?" she heard from behind her.

Spinning around in surprise, she saw Aaron standing there. He grinned a little lopsided grin and said, "Sorry, wasn't trying to eavesdrop, I just came over to say hi and then I realized you were talking on the phone."

"It's fine," she said, surprised at how friendly he was being already. When had he started drinking? Didn't the party just start?

"What did he want?" he asked casually.

"He was just asking me to come to the party he's at."

"You didn't tell him to go to hell? I would have told him to go to hell," Aaron stated.

Yep, he was definitely tipsy.


miling, Julie said, "When did you start drinking?"

"I don't know, I think Leigh started plying me with alcohol at like 6:30, and she hasn't stopped since. She just made me do like two of those girly lemon drops and a royal flush before you got here." Then, leaning in as if to tell her a secret, he said, "I think she might be trying to get me drunk."

Grinning, Julie said, "That's a possibility."

"She keeps giving me shots, and I'm drinking beer. I'm going to die tomorrow."

"I will make sure the apartment stays very quiet and I'll let you sleep as long as you need to," she assured him. "You enjoy yourself."

Smirking, he said, "Are you trying to get me drunk, too?"

"I'm pleading the fifth," she stated.

"Do you like mozzarella sticks? They're in the kitchen if you do," he informed her.

"Yes, I know, Leigh told me."

"I was making my way in there, but Danielle is… pretty much shitfaced already, and every time I go near the kitchen she comes at me—scares the shit out of me. If she throws up on me, I'm going to have to kill her."

"Yeah, she seems…interesting. A friend of Leigh's?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "It's her sister."

Raising her eyebrows, Julie glanced between Leigh and Danielle. "Really? They don't look very much alike."

He shook his head. "Not at first glance, but if you look closer they have the same eyes and their mouths are kind of similar. Sometimes siblings don't look alike."

That much was true. Aaron and Matt probably didn't look any more like brothers than Leigh and Danielle looked like sisters.

"Danielle's younger, right?" Julie assumed.

Smiling a little, he nodded. "Yeah."

"Aaron, come have a shot of whiskey with me!" Danielle called, waving him over as she sat on the lap of the guy who had been next to Aaron.

Shaking his head, Aaron said, "I don't think so, Dani, ask your sister."

"She told me to ask you," Danielle informed him.

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