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Beautiful Mistakes

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"That's because she doesn't want vomit on her dress," he muttered, but started to walk away anyway. Then he turned back to Julie, "Are you leaving?"

Shaking her head, Julie said, "No, I'm not going anywhere. I can give you a ride home later if you want."

Nodding noncommittally, Aaron said, "Have fun."

Julie nodded and offered a smile, wondering exactly how much longer she would be having fun around a bunch of drunk people when she couldn’t partake.

Over the next couple hours Julie moved around the room a little bit, but no one really talked to her except for a few drunk people—one was a nurse she had just met named Michelle, and she hugged Julie and started singing "You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings!" at Julie while Julie tried not to flinch away from the smell of alcohol on the overly friendly girl's breath.

Julie had surmised that apparently the party had been going on prior to her being invited, and she got that confirmed when Leigh came over and said a little apologetically, "I invited you later than I did the other guests, sorry."

Julie was a little surprised at being told, and uncertain as to why, but she just nodded and said, "It's fine."

"Well, I don't want you to think it was anything personal. Actually, I was trying to help you. I know you think Aaron hates you, and I just thought if I invited you once I got a good amount of alcohol in his system you might be able to enjoy the party more."

Smiling, Julie said, "At least there was a method to your madness. I think it worked—he already spoke to me, and he even initiated the conversation, so… progress."

"He really is a good guy," Leigh told her, smiling as she lost her balance just slightly and then regained it. "He's just a little grumpy sometimes until you get to know him."

Julie thought that was an understatement, but she let Leigh return to the party and she sat down on the couch, feeling a little neglected, but it was okay. As promised, Leigh had managed to hand off her camera at one point, so Julie took it upon herself to be the official party photographer, and she took pictures of everyone at the party. Aaron, she noticed, didn't seem enthusiastic about getting his picture taken, but she even managed to get a couple of him.

Impulsively, she also gave the camera to Leigh long enough for her to get a snapshot of Aaron and Julie, and Aaron draped his arm over her shoulder, leaning in much closer than she had expected when the idea struck her.

By the time the countdown began, Danielle was looking ill, Leigh was less-than-sympathetic, Aaron was drunk, and most of the other guests were either drunk or on their way there. Danielle had been drinking the longest, so she was the most obnoxious, but there were a couple other people becoming obnoxiously drunk, too.

That was one thing Julie had never cared for—being the only sober person in a room full of drunk people. Drunk people—Aaron excluded—were only amusing when you were drunk yourself.

Julie forgot to pay attention to the television, and she didn't realize that the ball had actually fallen until she heard a bunch of people say, "Happy New Year!"

Without thinking, she scanned for Aaron again to see if he was partaking in the "New Year's kiss" like some of the other apparent-couples were, but when she caught sight of him he was grimacing as he and some other guy were finishing taking a shot of some sort.

"Disgusting," he stated.

Leigh was right at his elbow, and she pecked him on the shoulder saying, "Happy New Year!"

"That was gross," he said, handing her the shot glass accusingly.

Grinning, she said, "I didn't talk you into that one, Rob did."

"Don't ever let me drink whatever that thing was again."

She shook her head. "I knew you wouldn't like it. It's more of a frat boy thing—it's gross, but it gets you hammered kind of fast."

"Like I need that," he said, shaking his head. "I'm already beginning to lose my balance if I stand still for too long."

Leigh smiled at him and winked, "That's okay, wait another 20 minutes and then tell me how you feel."

Twenty minutes later, Aaron was sitting on the couch with Julie. He had given up on walking around when Drunken Danielle bumped into him and his reflexes weren't sharp enough to catch her, so she ended up falling into him and then falling horizontally into his lap on the loveseat.

He had neatly shoved her off his lap as she giggled and asked him what was wrong, and then he had moved over to the couch to sit next to the only sober person in the room.

"I wish she would go to bed," Aaron stated as he watched Danielle walk unsteadily across the room and grab a bottle of wine, pouring some in a glass.

"I'm surprised she hasn't tried to sit in my lap yet," Julie remarked. "I think I'm about the only one."

He smirked at her. "Don't worry, you're next."

Julie shook her head. "No, thank you. I don't sit in laps, and I do not expect anyone to sit in mine—even in a drunken state."

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