The Hustle (Irreparable 4) - Page 20

“His loss.”

“It is and I wouldn’t change it. I love it here. I have a great job, and a place I love.”

Her smile transitions to a frown as her gaze shifts to the wall.

“Or you did, before some dumbass came into your life and turned it upside down,” I add with the indignation I feel. Peyton was living a typical happy, ignorant life until the day she walked through my door.

As her mouth opens to speak, the doorbell rings, rescuing us both from a conversation that could potentially hurt her more.

Distancing myself from Peyton is the right thing to do. How can I possibly give her what she deserves? If I get close, I’ll end up heartbreaker number three. Once Sid figures out who broke into Peyton’s place and ensures her safety, she has to go. I’ll fail her like I do everyone else.

In exactly one month, Eduardo will be gone to Sinaloa for four days. One calendar page until I can find Tug and explain everything. Only thirty more days that I have to pretend Eduardo’s touch doesn’t make my skin crawl.

He absorbs my smile from the across the table as we sit for breakfast with my family. Love is what he feels, but all I send him is hate and venom and wishes of death, although cloaked to perfection. Hidden enough that he conceives what I want him to and not what I feel.

With each day that he falls further in love with me, my ability to manipulate him gets easier. Before long, his trust will open the door for my escape, and although I’ll have to return to him, I’ll be able to, knowing Tug will not only know the truth but be safe.

“How was the beach?” I ask my father.

“Beautiful,” he answers, kissing Guadalupe on the cheek. “We didn’t want to leave.”

“It’s not so bad here, Alejandro.” Eduardo narrows his eyes as he looks at my father.

“No, it isn’t,” my father agrees, nodding politely. “But the sun and the salt air are relaxing.”

“I wonder if our sandcastles are still there?” Leticia asks Alejandro Jr.

“I’m sure the tide washed them away,” Alejandro answers, rolling his eyes at his little sister.

“Maybe.” Leticia shrugs.

“Can we go again soon, Mama?” Javier asks.

“Of course, son,” Eduardo answers for me. “Next month I have to travel to Sinaloa for business. You and your mother will come with me, and do you know what beach is in Sinaloa?”

“No.” Javier beams with excited curiosity.

“Mazatlán, which is the best beach in all of Mexico. My parents used to take me as when I was just a little niño. When I’m done with work, we’ll stay there for the week at a fancy resort. We can go parasailing, swim in the ocean and visit the lighthouse at the top of the highest hill. How’s that sound?”

“Awesome,” Javier sings with a gleeful exuberance he should. Any child would feel elated to go on such a trip.

For me, the trip represents the demise of my hope, and a cap sealed tightly over my failed plan to reach Tug.

The expression on Eduardo’s face tells me that my squashed hope was his intention. Another test of my loyalty. To answer, I pat Javier on the top of his head and say, “How exciting. We’re going to have so much fun together as a family.” I send Eduardo a bright smile. “Thank you, baby. This is a wonderful surprise. I can’t wait.”

In my head I shout, I hate you and I wish you were dead.

Over the remainder of the week, I do my best to detach myself from Peyton. Her house is nearly ready for her return, but I haven’t told her as Sid has yet to locate who it is that broke into her place. While I know JT and Mike can protect her, I feel responsible to find this person before I send her home.

The pictures Eduardo sent splayed across my desk taunt me, remind me that I was always right about Maria. The photos showcase how happy she is without me. The small gestures and touches in the photos belong to a woman who’s deeply in love with the man beside her. The photos with Javier haunt me the most. He looks at his father with awe and unyielding love—not like a stranger.

The shred of hope I held onto is gone. They hustled me and I accept that, but Eduardo and Maria will soon learn they chose the wrong target. I assume the hustle started when she developed a friendship with Brady. Perhaps he was even her first target and when she failed to succeed with him, she set her sights on me. She used to tell me I wasn’t a match for Eduardo, that I was too soft. Her leaving me thickened my skin, made me hard as stone, and turned me into the man who is going to force feed her those words.

My eyes focus on the sun outside my office window as it sets behind the horizon. With a flash it’s gone, replaced with the lights of office buildings and street lamps. Another night I’ve spent in this chair contemplating my decisions. I have a security team monitoring my brother, Tori and Little A, but the worry in the back of my mind never eases.

“Mr. Hunter,” my secretary’s voice startles me through the intercom. “There’s a Ms. Miles here to see you.”

I glance down to my cell phone to a text from Mike warning me Peyton is on her way up.

Tags: K.J. Bell Irreparable Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024