The Greek's Blackmailed Wife - Page 19

There was no way he was going to mess it up a second time.

* * *

‘You were right, boss. She did a runner. Took a taxi to the river and then walked. She’s been walking ever since. We’ve had a struggle not to lose her, frankly. She doesn’t look anything like her photograph.’

Zander stared at his bodyguard grimly and then gave a reluctant laugh. That was so typical of Lauranne. She knew that he had the means to track her down easily but she was still stubbornly determined to make a stand. It was no wonder they always clashed so fiercely, he mused as he climbed into the back of his car and issued instructions to his driver. She was the only person he’d ever met who was as stubborn and determined as he was.

All his life, women had drooled and fawned over him, but not Lauranne. She’d ignored and disdained, forcing him to chase a woman for the first time in his life. And where other women flirted and giggled, Lauranne had argued and challenged, always emphasising their differences, driving him mad with frustration.

She was the antithesis of the woman he’d been brought up to value, so far removed from the obedient Greek woman that it was laughable. And that had been part of the attraction for him, he mused as he stared moodily out of the window. Lauranne was sparky, opinionated and difficult to handle. In fact the perfect woman for a guy who appreciated a challenge.

A slight smile on his handsome face, Zander lounged back in his seat and contemplated the prospect of doing battle with her again.

Their relationship had always been amazingly passionate and hot and seeing her today had made him realise just how much he still ached for her. His body had throbbed in the most primitive way possible and it had taken all of his legendary will-power not to spread her flat on that huge glass table that dominated her meeting room and take her hard and fast with the minimum of preliminaries.

And that was where he’d gone wrong before. He’d allowed great sex to affect his judgement. He should have just kept her in his bed until they were both too exhausted to argue.

Instead of which he’d suddenly developed a desperate urge to marry her.

And he still couldn’t work out why he’d done that.

Aware that the car had stopped, he glanced out of the window and focused on a café with several tab

les placed outside overlooking the river. Scanning the tables briefly, he frowned, unable to identify her immediately, and then he looked again and a smile touched his firm mouth.

Did she really think that a baseball cap and jeans could disguise who she was? From the back she looked like a boy, but he recognised that slender neck, the slant of her narrow shoulders and the stubborn tilt of her pointed chin—

She was poised for confrontation.

Just waiting to be found so that she could spit fire and flame.

With a brief nod to his driver he stepped out of the car and strolled up to her, relishing the prospect of their encounter.

* * *

She felt him before she saw him. Sensed a change in the people around her. The atmosphere in the bustling café was suddenly highly charged. Conversations tailed off. Men sat up slightly straighter, women ceased to pay attention to their companions, their eyes fixed instead on someone behind her.

And she knew who that someone would be, of course.

Only Zander had that sort of effect on people.

Only Zander could bring an entire café to a standstill.

Wondering how far she’d get if she just stood up and ran, she tensed, preparing herself for confrontation, refusing to look round or acknowledge his arrival in any way.

He’d found her faster than even she had anticipated. But that was Zander all over. There was no one he couldn’t track down, no deal he couldn’t negotiate. And with all the staff and money at his disposal, finding her must have been child’s play. There was nowhere on earth she could have hidden safely if he truly wanted to find her.

But finding her didn’t mean that he was going to get what he wanted.

He settled himself in the chair opposite her, utterly oblivious to the lustful looks he was attracting from the women around him.

Lauranne suppressed a bitter laugh as she recognised emotions that she herself had once felt. It wasn’t just his staggering good looks that created such a stir amongst members of her sex. It was his blatant masculinity. Zander exuded an air of power and success that drew women to him like a magnet.

And she’d hated herself for falling for his charms.

Lauranne glanced around her helplessly, wanting to warn them. You can have him, she wanted to shout. Have him, but beware. He may look amazing but he’s lethal and dangerous and he has absolutely no conscience.

But she didn’t speak her thoughts aloud.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024