Holiday with the Best Man - Page 62

‘It’s magical,’ Grace said.

‘Absolutely. And that’s how it’s going to be for the rest of our life,’ Roland agreed. ‘With our whole family behind us, helping us to make our dreams come true.’

She raised her glass of sparkling elderflower cordial to toast him. ‘For the rest of our life.’ She paused. ‘Roland, do you think we can sneak out for a moment without anyone noticing?’


‘Because...’ She needed to tell him something, but she wanted to tell him in private, and so far she just hadn’t found the right moment. ‘I need a moment with you. Alone.’

‘And you want us to sneak out, given that all eyes are on the bride and groom?’ He grinned. ‘Well, hey. We’re a team. We can do anything.’ He put her glass down on a nearby table, and waltzed with her over to the corner of the room, then quietly danced with her until they were at a side door. ‘Righty. Let’s slip out.’

Once they were outside, he found them a quiet spot by the lake. ‘OK. From the look on your face, it’s not just because you want to be on your own with your new husband. What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing’s wrong. But... What you were saying about us being a team. A team means more than two, or it can mean a pair.’

‘You’re splitting hairs, but OK,’ he said. ‘You and me. Two. We’re a pair, then.’

She coughed. ‘I’m trying to tell you something. We’re a team.’

‘You just said we were a pair.’

‘But,’ she said, ‘we went to Venice just over three months ago. We made love for the first time.’

‘Ye—es.’ He frowned. ‘You’re talking in riddles, Gracie.’

‘No, I’m not.’ She stroked his face. ‘I thought architects were good with figures? And have an eye for detail?’

‘We do.’

‘So did you notice that I toasted you in elderflower cordial, not champagne?’ she asked. ‘And alcohol is off the menu for me for the next six months. Along with soft cheese and lightly cooked eggs.’

She saw the second that the penny dropped. ‘Are you telling me...?’ he asked, hope brightening his face.

‘I know we didn’t plan it, but we’re definitely Team Devereux,’ she said. ‘I didn’t want to tell you until I was completely sure—and I wanted you to be the very first to know. I thought I might be a bit late just because I’ve been rushing about sorting out wedding stuff. Not because I was stressed, because our joint family is brilliant, but just’s a wedding.’ She spread her hands. ‘And it’s not that. Because I did a test this morning.’

‘And it was positive?’

‘It was positive,’ she confirmed.

‘I don’t care that we didn’t plan having a baby. It’s the best wedding present ever,’ he said, picking her up and whirling her round. ‘I love you—both of you.’ He set her back down on the ground and cupped his hand protectively over her abdomen. ‘Team Devereux. You, me, and a baby that’s going to have the best family in the world.’

‘The best family in the world,’ she echoed.

Tags: Kate Hardy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024