Christmas Ever After (Puffin Island 3) - Page 108

“Richard never came with you?”

“No.” And whenever she’d raised the idea there’d been the same tension. The same cold expression that was supposed to kill the conversation dead. “To begin with I didn’t question it. I assumed it was because he was busy, and this place isn’t exactly easy to reach, especially if the weather is bad. I made all sorts of excuses. The only thing I didn’t consider was that the reason he didn’t visit was because he didn’t like my friends. And maybe to some people that wouldn’t matter, but to me it is a deal breaker. I won’t give up my friends for anyone. They’re like family, only better because they accept me the way I am.” She paused as a bird flew overhead. “What’s that?”

“It’s a dark-eyed junco. They’re always hovering around bird feeders at this time of year.”

It impressed her that he knew, that he could name it in the same way he could name every tree and every plant. He paid attention to his surroundings, took his time to breathe the air and enjoy nature instead of rushing past it on his way somewhere else.

“I miss the puffins. I always look forward to spring when they come back. I can never decide which is my favorite season on the island. I’m glad I’ll be able to spend so much more time here next year.”

And she wondered how he would feel about that.

Would it be awkward?

Deciding that they’d been serious enough for one conversation, Sky scooped up a handful of snow and advanced on him. “Are you scared, Shipwreck Hunter?”

His response to that was to hook his leg behind hers and land her in the snowdrift.

She screamed and then gasped as snow tumbled onto her, sliding in icy rivulets down the neck of her jacket.

“Holy crap, that is freezing.” She tried to get up but the depth of the snow made it impossible. “If I die here, I’m going to come back and haunt you, Alec Hunter. I’ll appear every time you want to work. Be afraid.”

“I’m terrified.” He held out his hand to help her up and she took it, picked her moment and then pulled him off balance.

Cursing, he fell into the snow alongside her. “Remind me why I brought you here?”

“To give me orgasms.” Grinning, she pushed a handful of soft snow in his face.

THEY VISITED MEG and spent an enjoyable hour around the kitchen table drinking creamy hot chocolate and listening to Meg’s stories of growing up on the island. Sky was fascinated and it was obvious how much Meg enjoyed having someone else to talk to.

On the way home they found the perfect tree in the forest and dragged it back to the cottage.

Alec left her fussing over it while he went to work.

He dived into the world of the American Revolution and by the time he emerged the weak winter sun had melted into a sea of gunmetal gray.

The only light in his study came from the glow of the computer screen and he blinked and flicked on the desk lamp.

Checking the time, he saw that he’d been working for six hours straight.

His back ached, his neck ached and he was thirsty but he’d made a significant dent in his workload.

Aware that Sky had been on her own for most of the day, he saved his work and stood up, wincing as he rolled his shoulders.

He went downstairs and found his cottage transformed.

The staircase was wrapped with garlands of shimmering silver, interspersed with tiny bows and glowing lights.

Strolling into the living room, he breathed in the scent of cinnamon, cloves and orange. Light came from the flickering flames of the fire and the tree, now free of snow and tastefully decorated with tiny lights Sky must have unearthed from somewhere and twists of silver ribbon fashioned into bows.

Sky was on her knees, half under the tree as she fussed over a skirt designed to look like snow. The ends of her hair brushed the floor as she leaned forward, fiddling until she was satisfied.

He watched her for a couple of minutes. “You look good on your knees with your butt in the air.”

She gave a squeak of embarrassment and tried to wriggle out from under the tree, but her hair caught in a branch and she winced.


He smiled, enjoying himself. “You seem to be trapped.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Puffin Island Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024