The Nurse's Wedding Rescue (Lakeside Mountain Rescue 2) - Page 17

Tom threw his head back and laughed aloud. ‘In the middle of January while it’s snowing? And she believed you?’

‘She’s a southerner. They don’t have proper winters in the south,’ Oliver said, glancing towards the house to make sure that Helen wasn’t listening. ‘I was caught on the hop—I didn’t know what else to say. I just knew that I couldn’t leave her on her own and don’t think she has much experience of fixing roofs.’

‘For your sake, I hope you’re right,’ Tom said, waggling his finger at his brother, ‘or you are in big trouble. So exactly what form did this comfort take last night? Horizontal?’

Oliver glared. ‘Don’t be disgusting.’

‘Ah…’ Tom’s eyes glittered with speculation. ‘My little brother has come over all protective. So I take it you didn’t sleep with her?’

Oliver gritted his teeth. ‘I did not. She’s been through a bad time.’

‘So what she needs is another man to take her mind off the rat who broke her heart,’ Tom drawled, unlocking his car and throwing his jacket inside. ‘Simple. If you don’t think that’s you, let me know. I’m sure I could cheer her up.’

Oliver’s hands curled into fists. ‘Lay one finger on Helen and I’ll knock you out cold,’ he said icily, and Tom straightened up, the smile fading from his handsome face.

‘Whoa.’ His voice was soft, all the mockery gone as he put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. ‘Are you serious about her?’

Oliver sucked in a breath and suddenly realised that he was. ‘Crazy isn’t it? I’ve only known her for five minutes.’

Tom’s grip tightened momentarily. ‘Well, that’s all it takes for some people.’ He frowned and let his hand drop. ‘Be careful, Oliver. If she’s been that badly hurt she could be bad news for you.’

‘I’ll take my chances. To be honest, the biggest problem at the moment is getting her through the next few days. The only time she seemed to function properly was at the accident last night.’


Oliver related what had happened and Tom shrugged. ‘Well, she had something to take her mind off her problems. Sleep with her and it will have the same effect.’

Oliver looked at his brother in naked exasperation, conveniently forgetting the direction his thoughts had taken the night before. ‘Do you ever think about anything but sex?’

‘Not really.’ Tom yawned. ‘I’m an obstetrician. I’m confronted by the by-product of sex on a daily basis.’

But Oliver wasn’t listening. ‘What I need is to find her a job,’ he muttered, an idea forming in his mind. ‘She’s a practice nurse.’

‘You’ve already got a perfectly good practice nurse. You don’t have enough work for another one.’

‘That’s true.’ Oliver’s expression was thoughtful and Tom gave a sigh.

‘What’s on your mind?’

‘I’ve got a plan.’

Tom rolled his eyes. ‘I thought you might have. And no doubt it involves giving the lovely Helen a job. What are you going to do? Fire Maggie?’

Oliver shook his head. ‘No need. I’ve thought of a much better solution.’

‘I daren’t even ask,’ Tom said wearily, and Oliver looked at him.

‘What about you?’ He forced himself to ask the question. ‘Are you interested in her—seriously?’ He held his breath, waiting for his brother to answer, but Tom gave a slow shake of his head.

‘No. She’s very pretty, but…’ He shrugged dismissively and it was Oliver’s turn to frown.

‘You do realise that you haven’t been serious about a woman since Sally, don’t you?’

‘You sound like one of those daytime chat show hosts.’ Tom’s eyes were suddenly shuttered, his face blank of expression. ‘I’m serious about my career. That’s enough.’

Oliver suddenly realised that although they were as close as brothers could be, Tom never, ever talked about Sally. He talked about women and dating and sex, but never about Sally Jenner, despite the fact he’d never been seriously involved with a woman since. Surely after seven years he should be able to talk about her? Unless she still meant something to him. Unless he was regretting the split…

Knowing that he was on dangerous ground, Oliver sucked in a breath. ‘Tom…’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024