Defying the Prince - Page 44

Quivering from head to toe, Izzy’s thoughts blurred. Part of her wanted to stop him, to point out that perhaps they should go somewhere more private, but another part of her was desperate for him not to stop and she wasn’t at all sure she would have been able to anyway. And yes, there was the extra thrill that came from being wanted this badly, by this man.

She felt him lift her and she locked her legs behind his back.

She felt his arousal—smooth, silken hardness against the soft flesh of her inner thigh.

The beam of light tracked towards them again, and again he shifted skilfully, avoiding its path without allowing the threat of exposure to distract him from his purpose.

He supported her easily, the muscles of his powerful shoulders bunched and, as he took her weight, his intention explicit in the deliberate shift of his hands.

Shock sliced through excitement as she realised he was going to take her right there—fast and hard, sex at its most basic, an expression of the most primitive human need—even as she acknowledged that her body was already going along with that, caught up in the same wild craving that was consuming him.

But even as everything in her caught fire, a small part of her brain came back to life, ignited by some sense of self-preservation too powerfully ingrained to be completely silenced even in circumstances as intense as these.

Poised on the edge of oblivion, Izzy tried to speak but his mouth was on hers and the heat of that kiss shimmered through her, muting sound.

She flattened her hands on his shoulders and tried again.

No sound emerged but something must have communicated itself to him because for a fraction of a second he paused and that brief interlude was enough to shake her out of the sexual trance that gripped her.

‘No.’ Her voice was barely audible. ‘No—’

His eyes were black as night. ‘Izzy—’

‘Condom.’ It was all she could manage to say and she could have sobbed with frustration when he froze because, although they had to stop, she didn’t want to. She desperately hoped he’d just reach into his pocket and whip out the goods but he stayed utterly still, as if unable to move, his breathing harsh and uneven.

Then he lowered her gently to the ground and pushed her skirt down. For a moment he stayed still, his forehead resting against his arm as he struggled for control. Then he breathed deeply and hauled himself away from her, turning so that she couldn’t see his face.

She had no idea what he was thinking but she had a fair idea.


‘Just … give me a minute.’

Her body was shimmering with unfulfilled sexual need and her treacherous libido was urging her to grab him and drag him back to her but he turned suddenly, his mouth a grim line in the shadowed darkness. Apart from one missing button on his shirt there was no outward evidence of their close encounter.

‘We need to leave.’



‘All right.’ Except that it wasn’t all right and she didn’t want to go back. Part of her wished she hadn’t said anything, but even as that thought flew into her head, she dismissed it. Decisions had consequences and an unplanned pregnancy wasn’t romantic; it was foolish and irresponsible. Her face scarlet, she retrieved her torn panties and stuffed them in her pocket.

Life wasn’t black and white, Izzy thought numbly as she picked her way through the darkness. Hers was a massive lump of grey.

They boarded the helicopter in silence.

Not one word was spoken throughout the flight. When they landed, he sprang from the helicopter, waiting just long enough to check that she was safely on the ground and clear of the deadly blades before striding in the direction of his office with no more than a curt goodnight.

Anger replacing passion, Izzy paused only briefly and then stalked after him.

If he thought they were just going to pretend it hadn’t happened then he had another think coming.

Inside his offices he flipped on a light and then opened a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of whisky.

Izzy stood in the door, anger mingling with vulnerability. She didn’t regret stopping him but she did regret the sudden shift in their relationship. Their fledgling friendship had been crushed under the weight of more powerful emotions.

‘I’ve driven you to drink already? That was quick, even for me. Usually it takes more than a couple of days.’ Flippancy didn’t hide her misery and she bit her lip. ‘Look, I’m sorry, but—’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024