How to Keep a Secret - Page 154

Strong hands clamped her shoulders to steady her and she muttered an apology.

Instead of releasing her, those hands tightened.

“What’s the rush?”


Of all the people she didn’t want to bump into right now he was probably top of the list.

“Sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

Since that day at the Sail Loft, she’d carefully avoided him, timing her visits so they weren’t ever alone together. Every time she thought about that evening in the kitchen she felt remorse, and not only because she’d been having wild, abandoned sex while her sister was trapped in her car in a ditch. She knew that by allowing herself to get close to Scott again, she’d opened a door that

was going to be hard to close. The realization that she wanted him badly was as frustrating as it was unsettling. Not only was it the wrong time, but he was also the wrong person. She was smart enough to know that Scott had an effect on her that no other man did. That hadn’t changed, but neither had he and she wasn’t going to allow herself to believe differently.

“How’s Jenna doing?”

“She’s good, thanks. Almost back to her normal self.”

“And you?” His voice was low and intimate and stirred memories she didn’t want in her head.

“I’m good, too. We’ve moved in to the Sail Loft. The kitchen is great. The countertops are—” She gasped as he lifted his hand and gently removed her glasses. “What are you doing?” She snatched at them but he held them out of reach with one hand and cupped her face with the other.

He angled his head and studied her, his gaze searching. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Can I have my glasses back?”

“Not until you tell me why you’re upset.”

She was conscious of her reddened eyes and the flow of people who passed them. “Scott, please—we’re in a public place.”

“Then we’ll go somewhere less public. I’m parked across the street.” He slid her glasses back onto her nose and took her hand. “Come with me.”

“People will talk.”

“Yeah, they have a tendency to do that. Doesn’t mean you have to listen.” He tightened his grip on her hand and led her to his truck.

Too despondent to argue, she slid inside.

She’d be okay. This was a setback, that was all, and she’d become an expert on dealing with setbacks. Fall over, get up again. She hoped her thigh muscles were strong enough to take it.

She heard a panting sound behind her and turned her head to find Captain wagging his tail so hard it smacked against the back of the seat.

It was impossible not to smile. “Your dog is adorable.”

“Yeah, he’s a keeper.” Scott slid into the driver’s seat and pulled out of the parking space. “No one can resist him.”

And she’d never been able to resist Scott.

She shouldn’t have climbed into a car with him. That had been a mistake, but it was too late to do anything about it now.

No matter how bad she felt, she wasn’t about to throw herself from a moving vehicle.

She found a tissue and blew her nose. “I’m being stupid.”

“I doubt that.” He took the road out of town. “Start by telling me why you’re all dressed up in your smart London clothes.”

“I had a meeting at the bank.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024