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Summer Fling

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Seriously concerned, Logan would have pursued the topic but Kirsty was wriggling in his arms and he lifted her and decided to have a word with Kyla. She was Evanna’s best friend. If something were wrong, Kyla would know. ‘So you’re happy to look after her on Wednesday afternoon?’

‘Of course. It will be a relief to escape from all the mess and banging that will be going on at my house.’ Evanna walked across the garden towards the gate. ‘See you in surgery, Logan.’

She couldn’t even behave normally around him any more, Evanna thought helplessly as she lengthened her stride and ran the distance back to her house.

All her life she’d felt more comfortable with Logan than any other person, but suddenly she felt awkward and uncomfortable in his company. It was becoming harder and harder to hide her feelings and obviously she wasn’t succeeding any longer. He’d guesse

d that something was wrong. And that was typical of Logan, because he was extremely intuitive when it came to people.

Had he guessed how she felt about him?

No, of course he hadn’t. Not yet.

But if she wasn’t careful then he would, and then everything would change. She’d be mortified, he’d feel sorry for her—it would be completely hideous.

She shouldn’t have stayed to eat with them. The moment he’d walked through the door she should have handed Kirsty to him and left. Playing house and getting cosy wasn’t going to help her rehabilitation one bit. She’d never wean herself off Logan if she carried on spending this much time with him.

On Wednesday, things were going to be different, she promised herself as she let herself into her cottage. She’d stay with Kirsty until he arrived home and then she’d leave. No cosy chats. No supper in the garden.

Dropping her keys on the kitchen table, she went straight up to the bathroom for a shower.

She’d promised herself that she was going to build a life without Logan and that was what she was going to do.


‘CAN you sign this prescription for me? I’ve changed Ann Carne’s inhaler. I think she’d be better controlled on this.’ Kyla stuck a prescription in front of her brother. ‘I gather you had a busy Sunday.’

‘Yes.’ Logan signed with a flourish. ‘Snake bite.’

‘Good job Evanna was there to help.’ Kyla took the prescription from him, her movements brisk and efficient. ‘Would have been hard handling that on your own.’

‘Yes. She was brilliant, as always. And then she took Kirsty for me while I went to the hospital.’ Logan tucked his pen back in his pocket and looked at his sister. ‘I wanted to ask you about her. Is she all right?’

‘Why ask me? Why not ask her?’

‘I did. I got the distinct impression that she was hiding something.’

‘Like what?’

‘I don’t know.’ Suddenly exasperated, Logan kept his eyes on his sister’s face. ‘Yesterday she looked pale. Tired. And she left the barbecue early. I just have a feeling that something is not right. She seems different. Jumpy.’

Kyla’s gaze was direct. ‘Well, you’re the genius with women. I’m sure you’ll figure out what’s wrong.’

‘That’s why I’m asking you,’ Logan said patiently. ‘I thought you’d probably know. She’s your best friend after all.’

‘And best friends don’t betray confidences.’

So there was something wrong. Logan sat back in his chair, genuinely concerned. ‘If you know something, tell me. You have a duty to the practice to inform me of anything that affects my staff.’

‘Your staff?’ Kyla gave him a look of ill-disguised impatience. ‘For goodness’ sake, Logan, don’t be so high and mighty! And try thinking about something other than work for five minutes, will you?’

He felt his shoulders tense. ‘I’m not in the mood for a row, I just care about Evanna.’

‘Do you?’ Kyla looked at him, her gaze disturbingly direct. ‘Really?’

Logan felt his own temper rise. ‘Well, what sort of a question is that? Of course I care about her. Evanna has lived on this island all her life. She’s a fantastic nurse and a really good friend. Frankly, I’m surprised you’re not more worried about her yourself.’

‘I’m worried,’ Kyla said flatly. ‘I’m very worried.’

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