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Summer Fling

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‘So you do know something.’ Logan leaned forward, his voice a low growl. ‘Tell me what’s going on.’

‘I dare say if Evanna has something she wants you to know, she’ll tell you in good time. Thanks for the prescription.’ Kyla walked towards the door and Logan stood up, his expression grim.

‘Don’t you dare say something like that and then leave the room.’

Kyla paused with her hand on the doorhandle. ‘There’s nothing I can tell you, Logan.’

The week flew by and by Wednesday afternoon Evanna was ready for a rest.

‘I can’t believe he’s asked you to look after Kirsty,’ Kyla grumbled as they exchanged notes after a busy clinic. ‘What a nerve.’

‘It isn’t a nerve,’ Evanna said calmly, dropping a soiled dressing into the correct bin. ‘He needs someone that she’s comfortable with. And, frankly, looking after Kirsty will be a pleasant change from looking after the rest of the population of this island. My feet are killing me and if I have to look at another case of sunburn I’m going to scream. It’s the middle of August and it’s blazing hot! Why don’t people use sun block?’

‘Because they’re stupid,’ Kyla said cheerfully. ‘I’ve told Nick Hillier to arrest anyone who isn’t wearing at least a factor twenty-five and lock them up until the sun goes down. And stop changing the subject. You’re letting my brother take advantage of you.’

Evanna washed her hands and dried them. ‘That’s not true,’ she said quietly, turning to face her friend. ‘Logan and I have been friends for as long as you and I. He needs help and that’s what friends are for. And anyway, if you saw the state of my house at the moment you’d understand why I’m only too happy to spend that afternoon at someone else’s place.’

‘You’re too generous.’

‘It isn’t Logan’s fault that I feel the way I do about him.’

‘He asked me what was wrong with you.’

‘Really?’ Evanna stopped what she was doing. ‘And what did you say?’

‘Relax, I didn’t tell him the truth, if that’s what’s worrying you, although I was very tempted. I told him that he should work it out himself. But obviously we’re not going to hold our breath on that one because you’ve been in love with him for twenty-six years and he hasn’t worked it out yet.’ Kyla suppressed a yawn and made for the door. ‘I’m still thinking about plan C.’

‘What’s plan C?’

‘Hitting him over the head with an extremely hard object. I thought it might bring him to his senses.’

Evanna managed a smile. ‘I’m relieved he doesn’t know. Can you imagine how awkward it would be if he found out how I felt?’ She gave a shudder and Kyla looked at her thoughtfully.

‘Maybe it would just be a relief.’

‘I don’t think public rejection could ever be a relief,’ Evanna said flatly. ‘It’s bad enough loving him, without him knowing. At least spare me that.’

‘But if he knew, maybe he’d—’

‘Don’t.’ Evanna interrupted her with a lift of her hand. ‘Just don’t even go there! You can’t change a man’s feelings. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

She let herself through the door that connected with Logan’s house and relieved Meg, who had been looking after Kirsty all morning.

The weather was stifling and Kirsty hot and short tempered and they spent the afternoon playing and reading books under the shade of the weeping willow.

Once Logan arrived home, Evanna made for the door, ruthlessly squashing the temptation to linger and chat. And be with him.

‘Craig is tearing my bathroom to pieces so I need to go and scowl at him just to be sure he doesn’t get too carried away. Looking at the mess at the moment, I can’t believe it’s ever going to look even half-decent.’

She arrived home to find her cottage in chaos. The front door was open and half her old bathroom was lying in the front garden.

‘Remind me never to contemplate having anything more adventurous than the bathroom done.’ She picked her way through a pile of dust and rubble. ‘Craig, tell me that this is going to look good when you’ve finished. Please, tell me that.’

He pushed his hair out of his eyes with a grubby hand and grinned. ‘It’s going to be stunning. The taps arrived today. They’re great. You’ve got good taste, Nurse Duncan.’

Evanna sighed and tried not to look at the mess. ‘So how long am I going to be without a bath?’

‘A few days. I hear the helicopter was out twice on Sunday.’

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