Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 106

We exploded together.

Hours later, we showered and dressed. When she put on the trench coat, something fell out of the pocket.

I bent over and picked up the bullet. “You still have this?”

“Yeah. It’s my lucky bullet.”

I twisted it in my hand. “It is.”

She held her hand out.

I kissed the bullet and gave it to her. “I love you, Ebony.”

She blinked and whispered, “I love you too.”

We returned to the house hours later. Ebony was well-fucked, and my cock drained by all means.

The kids lay fast asleep in their beds. The dogs lounged outside of the kids’ doors.

Mabel yawned and left, accepting no money from me. Make up covered her face. Stars decorated the burnt side. Apparently, Poppy had given her a makeover.

Kevin had finished his pies. They now were covered and sat on the table. He waved goodbye and hurried off to bed, looking more tired than I’d ever seen him.

Ebony poured us two cups of Drunken Eggnog and then brought them over to the couch.

I turned on my old radio.

Jazz music played in the background.

I shut off the light, turned on the Christmas tree, and threw another log onto the fireplace. Not ready to go upstairs yet, Ebony and I collapsed onto the couch, not wanting to brave those stairs.

I rested my arm on the back of the couch. Ebony lay on my chest, and I wrapped my arm around her.

“That was a perfect Christmas Eve,” she whispered. “We should make that a tradition.”

“I agree.”

The new logs cracked in the fireplace. I noticed for the first time, stockings hanging from the mantel. All of our names decorated each one—even Kevin’s. I gazed above the mantel at the images of my wife, son, and parents.

You’re gone and happy. I believe that. And now. . .finally I am happy.

I played with a few of Ebony’s dreadlocks, twirling the ends around my fingers. “What time does the opening of presents usually begin?”

“Probably right at dawn. It’s like the kids are trained to wake right when the sun glows in the sky.”

“Then, I’ll be up too. I can’t wait to see what they think of what I bought them.”

“What did you get them?”

“It’s a secret.”

She leaned in and raised her mouth for a kiss.

“Are you trying to tempt the answer out of me?”

“I am.”

“It won’t happen.” I took her mouth and loved the taste. It was the most enchanting kiss of the day—the month—the year. Her lips were magical, but it wasn’t what had my heart flipping and flopping within my chest. The kiss was perfection because we lay within our home, safe, being warmed by the flames of the fire. The kiss was heaven because she’d promised her love to me earlier and accepted my invitation to never leave. The kiss was paradise because she’d healed me, and I would like to think that I cured her hurts too.

Absolute love bridged between us.

I would be hers forever, and she would be mine.

And nothing or no one—not even Wyatt or his agency—could ever take that way. All knew and had accepted the defeat.

Ebony looked at me. “So. . .I’m going to call my mother on Christmas morning.”

“Good. There’s no reason to not talk to her now.”

“I’m just upset at her helping Wyatt.”

“Unfortunately she thought she was helping you. In some ways, she reminds me of my mother.”

“Speaking of your mother. . .” Ebony snuggled closer to me. “I think you should try and find her.”

My heart ached. “I don’t know.”

“Whatever happens. Whatever you find out. Whatever may come. I’ll be right there next to you. Believe that.”

I let out a long breath. “I could call my aunt. Worst thing that could happen is she’ll hang up the phone, when she hears my voice.”

“If she does, then I’ll take you upstairs and suck your cock, with the hopes of sucking the rejection away.”

I smiled. “That is a deal I can’t pass up.”

“Okay.” She caressed my thigh with her fingers. “Then, we’ll get closure with our mothers on Christmas day.”

My heart warmed at the thought. “We will. And no matter what, we’ll be by each other’s sides.”

“Oh. I almost forgot.” I dug into my pocket, pulled out a mistletoe, and danged it over us.

“You’re so crazy.”

“I am.” I leaned her way and kissed her. “Merry Christmas.”

She groaned and licked her lips. “Merry Christmas.”

Chapter 31

Christmas Day


Christmas morning arrived.

Yoshiro and I had fallen asleep in each other’s arms on the couch. The kids woke us up, rushing to their presents and chattering away.

“Okay. Okay.” I held my hands up. “Let Mommy get some coffee.”

“I don’t know, if I have any in there.” Yoshiro yawned and stretched his neck.

Kevin trotted into the living room. “Don’t worry, Ebony. I’ve got you. I brought a bunch of coffee with me. I’ll make you a cup.”

I put my hands in prayer position. “You’re heaven scent.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024