Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 96

I thought of his wife. “You had to have told someone.”

“No one knows that. I couldn’t even say the words for years.”

“So, your mother?”

“She fled the next morning. I think she went to my aunt’s house outside of Chicago. No one in my family will answer, if I call. The few times they accidentally answered, they hung up, when they heard my voice.”

“I’m so sorry.” I rushed his way and pulled him to me. “You did nothing wrong.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“You didn’t.”

“My mother hated me. She feared me more than my father. With him, she didn’t run.”

“It’s different. She was married to him. She. . .”

His voice went hoarse. “I was her son, trying to protect her. She didn’t have to run away.”

Placing my hands on both sides, I cradled his face. “Have you tried to talk to her recently?”


“When’s the last time you talked to her?”

“Too long.”

“Maybe now. . .”

He shook his head. “I couldn’t now. . .what if she’s. . .dead. That would hurt. I would rather believe that she’s alive and living her life.”

I didn’t know what else to say, so I kissed him, hoping it would soothe him some way. Here, he’d been trying to comfort me in the hallway and revealed a pain within him. I understood why he’d done it. Due to that, I was glad I’d killed Wyatt, even though the kids knew. At least, Jalen or Kia didn’t have to take it into their hands and struggle with living through that guilt.

I left his soft lips. “Don’t feel guilty about it.”

“That death is a hard one. I’ve killed many, but my father. . .”

“Don’t think about it. I’m here now.” I kissed him again. “Think about me. Think about what we could be. Think about anything, but that.”

“I’m supposed to be helping you.”

“You did, Yoshiro. Sometimes when you help another person, it allows you to forget about your problems.”

“Mine are old. Yours are recent.”

“It doesn’t matter. I still want to be there for you.” I left his arms and walked away.

“Where are you going?”

I shut his door and locked it. “Nowhere.”

In a daze, he studied me. “We’re having a slumber party?”

I grinned. “A short one.”

When I got close to him, he pulled me toward him. “What do you mean a short one?”

“I won’t spend the night.”

“Hmmm. Why’s that?”

“I think the kids aren’t ready. Maybe, I’m not ready to tell them. . .”

He nodded. “Eventually, everyone will get used to it.”


“Trust me on that.” He licked his lips and began kissing his way along the line of my jaw. Down my throat. Over my pulse that raced so frantically. “I’m glad that you crashed on my property.”

“Your welcome.” I giggled.

Yoshiro lifted his hand and caressed my breast. My nipples stiffened from his touch, aching for more. “I’m excited about this short slumber party.”

“Me too.” A surge of arousal went straight to my sex.

“Come here.” He took me over to his bed and spread my legs.

He climbed onto the bed and hovered over me. “How long are we going to pretend that nothing is going on between us?”

“We’re not pretending.”

“In front of the kids.”

“I think it will take time. I’ve never had a boyfriend or anybody around them, except their father.”

“They’re smart. They’ll know, before you tell him.”

“True.” I sighed. “Maybe, I’m just. . .the one that’s nervous.”

“Maybe.” He sank his fingers into my dreadlocks and took my mouth, giving me a long and deep kiss.

My nipples tightened as they pressed into his chest.

And I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hide what was going on between Yoshiro and me. Not from the kids. . .not even from me.

Chapter 28

My Everything


Just like I knew it would happen, it did. Ebony had become my everything. In these short weeks, she served as the core of what moved in my heart. The heat. The magic that pumped the blood within my veins. She inspired my dreams, made me consider the future ahead.

For me, she’d become the moon within my darkness, shedding light and illuminating all the things I’d tried to hide.

If she knew her power over me, she never admitted it.

I slid my hand through those silky dreadlocks. Inhaling, I breathed her lovely fragrance in and groaned, “You’re the solution to everything in my life.”

“That can’t be true.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’ve helped me more than I’ve taken care of you.”

“Then, I hid my wounds well.”

“What wounds?” She slipped her hands along my chest. “Show them to me.”

“I can’t. You’ve healed them all.”

She smirked. “Stop it.”

“I can’t.” I gathered those fabulous breasts and tenderly squeezed them. Unable to control myself, I rose and took my time undressing her. I slipped off that shirt, undid her jeans, and slid them off too.

Desire filled her eyes. “Now your turn.”

“No. You’re the only one that’s going to be naked.”

She tugged at my jeans. “Very funny.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024