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Stunt Doubled: A Movie Star Standalone

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Sierra took over. “Now that Ronnie’s wearing what is clearly a sports bra, let’s keep going.”

Aiden spoke up. “I was about to hook my finger in the waistband of her pants.” Ronnie was wearing khaki-colored shorts. Rather short shorts—not that I minded.

“Let’s cancel that for a moment,” Sierra said. “How about you touch her breasts again—both of them this time. Rub them as she moans.”

Aiden put both hands on Ronnie’s breasts, cupping them through her thin bra. Actress or not, Ronnie gave a very convincing moan.

“Throw your head back,” Tanner urged her. Ronnie did so, looking very much like a woman overcome with pleasure.

“Yeah, that’s good,” Sierra said. “Now can you do a sit-up and wrap your arms around her?”

Aiden rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

“If he can’t do a single sit-up, I say we send in the stunt double,” Tanner said.

Sierra ignored us all. “That’s good. Press her against your chest. Now tug on her hair. Ronnie, bare your throat to him so that he can nibble on it.”

“Wait, wouldn’t I want to push his shirt off his arms, first?” Ronnie suggested. I wondered if she wanted that for the scene—or for herself. But Sierra gave her the go ahead and she pushed his shirt off his shoulders. Aiden pulled it the rest of the way off.

“Since her chest is against me, this would be a good time for her bra to come off, too,” Aiden said.

“In the real scene,” Ronnie amended hastily.

Aiden actually winked at her. “In the real scene.”

Sierra seemed lost in thought. Finally, she spoke up. “I guess it has to come off at some point.” She looked over at Tanner and me. “The cameras can’t see my—I mean, her chest, can they?”

“Nope,” I confirmed, as did Tanner.

“All right.”

Aiden pantomimed unhooking Ronnie’s bra and throwing it off to the side. Then he and Ronnie performed the move Sierra had described before. “What next?”

“Hmm… can you gently lay her down so that she’s on her back between your legs?”

Aiden cocked his head to the side as he thought about that. “I can, but it’s probably better for the camera angles if we both keep our heads up by the pillows.”

Sierra didn’t miss a beat. “All right, then while you’re still holding her, can you roll her over so you’re on top again?”

I smiled at Sierra while they did that. “Ever give any thought to directing for real?”

“A time or two. I’m writing a screenplay,” she said as if it was a shameful secret, but pretty much every other person in LA was doing the same thing. “If it ever got made into a movie, I’d love to direct it.”

“I hope that happens.” I gestured toward the bed where Aiden and Ronnie were looking at her with expectant expressions. “What’s next?”

“I think it’s time for our hero to go down on our heroine.” She blushed slightly as she said it.

“No, it’s not.” Aiden’s voice was matter of fact.

“What?” Ronnie and Sierra said at the same time.

“They don’t do that in these films. The heroine can go down on Chase, but he doesn’t go down on her.”

“What?” Ronnie said, louder this time. “That’s incredibly sexist!”

Aiden shrugged. “I’m not claiming that it isn’t—I’m telling you how it is.”

“That’s so unfair,” Sierra hissed.

The women had a valid concern, but that was a decision above all of our pay grades. “There’s no point in creating a sequence if they’re just going to veto it. That would just throw the whole thing off. Sorry, Ronnie.”

She waved a hand as if it didn’t matter to her personally… but I wondered if that was true.

“All right, let’s move on,” Sierra said. She definitely had some director’s blood in her. She stepped next to the bed, took a look at Aiden and Ronnie, and began crafting the next part of the scene.



An hour later, Sierra was still barking out orders. She’d started out sweet, but now she was as tough as my old taekwondo instructor who’d regularly slam students down on the mat.

She got so into it that at one point, Aiden looked up at her and said, “Sierra, this film is rated R, not X.” She’d blushed, but I was impressed with her dirty mind. It was always the quiet ones—like my friend Emma.

The other person who surprised me was Aiden. He wasn’t dumb, he knew how turned on I was. The way his hands stroked my body… the way he grabbed me and pinned me down on the bed… the way he kissed me… it was all hot as hell. My nipples were hard, my heart rate was up, likely my pupils were dilated—in other words, my arousal was pretty hard to miss.

He could’ve easily used that against me. I could just picture an evil glint in his eyes, an amused smirk on his lips as he whipped me into a frenzy of lust.

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