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Stunt Doubled: A Movie Star Standalone

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But he didn’t.

He was a gentleman the entire time. Well, perhaps gentleman wasn’t the right word given the raunchy acts we were simulating. No, what he was being was professional. Both Ford and Tanner told me that he took his career as an actor seriously and strived to always be professional, but I hadn’t truly understood that until now.

The entire session was like foreplay, but there was no climax coming. Just endless arousal. The really irritating thing was that Aiden didn’t seem to react to me the way I did to him. Yeah, he was hard a lot of the time, but wouldn’t that happen to any guy who kept simulating intercourse, grinding his erection against a woman? Yet he showed no signs of wanting to grab me and take me for real.

Finally, after what felt like days had passed, Aiden and Sierra agreed on how the sex scene would end. I’d been on my back so long—and was so damn horny—that I didn’t know if my legs would support me. But then Ford was there, offering me a helping hand up. He handed me my shirt, and once it was on, Tanner came over with a water bottle and a kind smile.

Then it was Sierra’s turn again. Aiden waved off the suggestion that he take a break. He was apparently ready to go again as he and Sierra took their starting positions.

Ford stood behind me and rubbed my shoulders as I gulped down water. It was odd to watch the scene I’d just been part of, but so far, it looked good. Really good. From this vantage, I could see things I hadn’t been able to before, like the way the muscles on Aiden’s back rippled and flexed.

Watching the two of them act out the scene did nothing to help quell my hormones. I felt like a live wire ready to burst. I needed to move. To run. To spar with Ford in the ring. Or better yet—to have sex.

Ford seemed to notice my restlessness. “Want to take a walk? They don’t look like they’re going to be done soon.”

That part was true. Every minute or so, Aiden and Sierra would break from the scene to discuss some aspect of it. Where Aiden would grab her. How she’d respond, and so on. Compared to last week, she looked remarkably at ease with him. Enough so that I didn’t mind slipping out for a few. “Sure.”

Ford told Tanner that we were stepping out, and then he followed me into the night.

“Thanks, I needed some air.”

“I could tell,” Ford said. “You looked ready to spontaneously combust.”

“I was,” I said, without admitting why. “I’d love to go for a run.”

“It’s a good way to let off some steam, but too dangerous around here at night.”

I scanned the dark paths between the trailers and buildings. “Yeah, too easy to trip in the dark.”

“That, and the rattlesnakes.”

I winced. That wasn’t something I’d even considered. I stretched my arms above my head. My muscles were sore, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that I was still so damn turned on.

Ford walked ahead of me, and as we strolled past the rows of trailers used for makeup, costumes, and other things, he stepped between the third and fourth one. “Come take a look at this.”

“What?” I followed him and let out a shriek as he pounced, pinning my arms against the side of the trailer as his teeth grazed my neck.

“Do you think I don’t know how turned on you are?” he growled in a voice that made my pulse throb between my legs. “I saw your face when he touched you. Your stepbrother had his hands all over you and you loved it.”

I tried to deny his dark words, but my back arched and I pressed my hardened nipples against his sculpted chest.

Ford spoke in my ear again and sent shivers down my spine. “I told you to be a good girl with me and Tanner the other night, but I think I like it better when you’re a bad girl. Only a bad girl would get turned on while rehearsing a scene. While helping a friend. But you were so damn aroused I could practically smell the pheromones from across the room.” He pressed his knee against my thighs, and they obediently parted for him, letting him push against my crotch. “Such a bad girl.”

Lust coursed through me. Ford let go of my wrists and slid his hand between our chests, squeezing my breast. “Rolling around on a bed in your bra in front of three men. What kind of a woman does that?” He teased. Then he bit my earlobe as I moaned. “That bra is practically see-through, you know. We could all see your nipples.” He pinched one—hard—to emphasize his point.

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