Just One Spark (The Kingston Family 4) - Page 14

He shook his head. “There were other ways. We didn’t brainstorm them yet, but I’m certain we can figure one out. Everyone knows what a man-whore Dash is. I don’t want you getting involved with him.”

She frowned, uncomfortable with his description of Dash, despite having thought it herself. Which reminded her of something Dash had said earlier today. I’ve been celibate since our night together.

She shivered and wondered if he’d been telling her the truth. She doubted he’d lie, but she had a hunch his reasons for not having sex had more to do with being scared to death he’d impregnated a woman than because of his feelings for her.

She refocused on her bossy brother. “You’re speaking like it’s your decision. It’s not. It’s mine. And after all you’ve done for me over the years, helping Grandma, taking care of me, I need to step up for you.”

She refused to say another word about it. She’d made her choice. She picked up a cookie and split it in half, the gooey chocolate still melting. She took a bite and reached for a napkin, wiping her face.

“Stop staring at me,” she muttered.

“You’re a stubborn pain in the ass.”

She was tempted to stick out her tongue like when they were kids. “Can’t you just let me do what I need to do without giving me a hard time?”

He nodded but a small grumble escaped from his throat. “I’m just used to looking out for you.”

“I appreciate it but it’s also time to let me live my life.” She hesitated. “And make my own mistakes.”

He stiffened his body and narrowed his gaze. “What does that mean? What did you do?”

For half a second, she’d considered telling him about her night with Dash and immediately changed her mind. No way would she do anything to cause a fight between him and their lead singer. “Nothing. Relax. I’m just saying back off.”

Axel snatched another cookie. “Fine. But be smart.”

She rolled her eyes. “Aren’t I always?”

He rose and yanked on her ponytail. “Thanks for the cookies.”

She stood. “That’s it? You just came to give me the third degree?”

He nodded. “That’s what brothers are for. Love you, Cass.”

“Love you, too.” She started walking him to the door. “Oh, wait. Take some cookies!” She rushed back to the kitchen and packed up a bunch for him to bring home, then she let him out and locked up behind him.

After heading back to the kitchen, she cleaned up their snack, covered the cookies so they didn’t get stale, and decided she wasn’t in the mood to binge watch any shows.

Instead, she took a long, hot bath, during which she forced herself to put her concerns out of her mind and let herself enjoy and relax. Later, wearing her favorite old tee shirt, she sat down on her bed and pulled out her laptop to go over scheduling.

She already knew the biggest night this week was Sunday. The band would be performing at the MTV Video Music Awards at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The limousines were booked. The guys spent plenty of time practicing and had to be at the arena on Wednesday for rehearsal.

Emails had piled up during the day, and she scanned through the ones from the band’s label and added dates to the calendar, following them up with cc’d emails to the guys, letting them know where they had to be and when.

Then she settled in to read, but despite her best effort to concentrate, all she could think about was Dash and that kiss.

* * *

Cassidy woke up the next morning to another glorious sunrise. Given the time of year, the days of warm temperatures were numbered. Taking advantage while she could, she stepped onto her small back patio, cup of coffee in hand. She didn’t have a beach view, but she enjoyed the grass and the trees surrounding her and the peace and quiet outside.

She heard the doorbell and sighed. “Peace and quiet broken,” she muttered, wondering who could be visiting so early. At least she’d showered and dressed for the day and wasn’t still in her nightshirt.

She glanced through the peephole, narrowing her gaze at her unexpected company. She opened the door to Naomi and the band’s manager, Dean Jerome. Both dressed like savvy New Yorkers, Dean in slim European-cut pants, dress shirt and jacket, and his expensive haircut, Naomi in her designer dress and heels. They made Cassidy feel like a country bumpkin in her floral summer dress.

Worse, she and Dean had been like oil and water from the first day they’d met when he’d tracked Dash down at Xander’s. Cassidy had still been working for Sasha at the time. She’d brought the man a drink, tripped and spilled it on his white dress shirt, and the tone of their relationship had been set.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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