Just One Spark (The Kingston Family 4) - Page 69

Cassidy had come on board as creative director, and she’d worked her ass off for the first year, proving her worth to her three bosses. On the one-year anniversary of the company’s opening, they’d offered her a new position, head of Film and Television. In other words, Cassidy became Sasha’s right hand, something she was well used to being. Her job was to pick projects for the company and run them by Sasha as well as deal with the day-to-day workings of their various projects.

K-Talent Productions had started as a film production company but quickly morphed into the television and streaming world, too. They were a media company with a collaborative culture, which was perfect for Cassidy and Sasha.

Cassidy had found the script for tonight’s premiere movie screening and knew immediately they had a hit on their hands. The coming-of-age story of a woman who escaped an abusive marriage and was living under a new name and fighting for the life she wanted to live versus staying under the radar of her ex. A female regaining her power against the man who tried to keep her down story appealed to Cassidy on a deep level, and she knew Sasha would be perfect for the lead female role, Harrison for the lead male.

Sasha hadn’t starred in anything since getting back together with Xander. But Harrison had agreed to film in New York if they co-starred together. The compromise worked, both for Sasha’s marriage and for Harrison, who was single and flexible. To Cassidy’s shock, Sasha, Xander, and Harrison had asked her to be the film’s producer.

With Dash touring, she liked to keep busy, and she threw herself into the job. Cassidy couldn’t believe this was her life. Along with the man beside her, who had super-sperm, because this baby hadn’t been planned, but he or she was very wanted. Cassidy had it all.

Since she knew what it was like to struggle growing up, she also wanted to give back and had joined in running a charity for foster kids who aged out of the system and had nowhere to go. The charity was Dash’s sister Aurora’s idea, because that had been her life experience until the Kingstons had found her. Sasha had founded a charity in LA and turned over the running of it to the director, but she had the experience to get things up and running. Cassidy had taken over outreach and fundraising. Considering she met famous people she could hit up for donations, she was perfect for the job.

“Where did you go?” Dash asked her.

She shook her head, clearing out her thoughts. “I was thinking back over the last four years to how much has changed. How I got to this point,” she said, glancing around at the people getting ready to head into the theater to watch her movie.

“You got to this point by getting off that plane,” he reminded her. “Of course, I’d have tracked you down and brought you home anyway.” He sounded way too pleased with himself.

“Behave or you’re not getting lucky when we get home.” Somehow, despite her big belly, they’d kept their love life intact.

They were perfect together, blending their lives and managing his career without her losing her mind. She was proud to say she’d handled two tours like a pro.

If you didn’t count the fact that she flew out to see him whenever she could, which, as the production company grew, became less and less. But she trusted the man she’d married.

The band still wrote music, but they’d put off touring for at least another year, which helped since Cassidy didn’t want to do the first year of this baby’s life alone. Dash discovered he was happiest writing songs, and he’d begun doing so for other bands who approached him on collaboration in addition to the Original Kings. Life was good.

“Dash, Cassidy!” Aurora called their names and walked over to where they were standing. She’d grown as a woman and a mother, and Cassidy adored her sister-in-law.

“Who’s watching the princess?” Cassidy asked of Leah, who was now five and thought she ruled the world. With so many aunts and uncles at her beck and call, she actually did.

Aurora pushed her long hair over her bare shoulder. She looked gorgeous in her evening gown. “I have a babysitter who lives in the neighborhood.”

Aurora had moved out of Dash’s mom’s mansion and lived in a townhouse community nearby. “If Leah doesn’t wear her out and she’s willing to come back next time I need her, I consider it a win.”

Dash laughed. “Maybe she’ll play guitar for her all night?” He referred to the last Christmas present he’d bought her, for which Aurora had given him hell. Especially after Leah woke her up at five every morning when she played. Badly. The child did not take after her talented uncle when it came to music, at least not yet. But she was young and there was time.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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