The Sheikh's Christmas Present (Shadid Sheikhs 2) - Page 21

“I’ll talk to him and see what’s going on,” Jarik promised. “Where are you?”

“Nowhere in particular.” Jarik already knew where he was, why would he evade the answer? Before he could ask, Samir told him, “Stay safe, brother,” and then disconnected the call.

Jarik decided to call Kashif. “Best to get it over with now,” he told himself as he stamped his feet in the cold, shaking off Samir’s call. Getting Kashif’s voicemail, he left him a quick message before pocketing his phone.

What could possibly be wrong with father? He didn’t have time to call him now and he worried that if he did, his father would know that he was going to Lebanon and would force him to return home. That wasn’t going to happen. Not now.

He watched Maria finish up in the plane. When he had called his friend about the use of the helicopter, he didn’t even think twice about granting his wish, and soon, Jarik really would be able to see what pure bliss looked like on Maria’s face.

And he’d have her. Her resistance was waning, and he could see the desire in her eyes. The taste that he’d given her last night wasn’t nearly enough for her.

God knows that it wasn’t enough for him. He wouldn’t be satisfied until she was under him again, writhing in pleasure.

Gasping his name again.


Maria’s jaw dropped as they stepped away from the helicopter. For the second time that day, she was in awe. “I don’t believe this.” After an hour flight, she could only stare down at the scene below her. The blades from the copter whipped her hair around, and the sound was deafening, but she was frozen in her spot.

They’d just left a freezing snowfall only to land on the edge of a gorgeous sunny beach. The sun warmed her skin, and the lapping of the Persian Gulf beckoned her.

“Come on,” Jarik yelled in her ear as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her away. When they were clear, he raised his hand and waved as the pilot raised the large machine into the air. “He’ll be back in the morning to take us back to the airport.”

“In the morning?” Excitement bloomed in her chest. “You mean we’re going to stay here at the beach all day and all night?”

“You said that you wanted to spend Christmas on a sunny beach. Here you go.”

“Oh.” She put her hands over her chest and beamed at him. “This is amazing, but I have so much to do. I feel awful about enjoying time on the beach when Tessa is struggling to keep things together.”

“Maria, you deserve a chance to relax. I called Tessa this morning to make sure that she didn’t need anything. She gave me a list, and I’ve gotten it taken care of. Her exact words were, ‘Tell Maria to let her hair down and actually have a good fucking time for once.’ We will get to Syria tomorrow evening, in time for Christmas. Everything is going to be fine, so, for today, relax and enjoy yourself.”

Relax? She couldn’t remember the last time that she’d been able to relax. She couldn’t get a hold of Sebastian. The entire charity was riding on this trip to Syria. And Jarik wanted her to relax?

Hesitantly, she looked over her shoulder and closed her eyes. She hadn’t been to the beach or felt the sand between her toes since high school. The water called to her.

“Okay,” she whispered. When the words were out, she laughed. “Okay. Let’s do it!”

“Excellent.” Jarik clapped his hands and rubbed them together. There was a mischievous smile on his face. “Let’s get you in the proper attire.”

Proper attire? She glanced down at her pants, sweater, and jacket. It was definitely not beachwear. Jarik grabbed her hand, and she didn’t even think twice about taking it. Not wanting to miss a single second of her impromptu vacation, she raced to the roof access. The sooner she changed, the sooner she could soak up some rays.

An hour later, she was in a floral skirt and a low-cut white tank top. Slipping out of her sandals, she sighed in pleasure as her feet sank into the hot grains of sand. Twenty feet in front of her, the waters lapped quietly on the shoreline.

Jarik came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Nuzzling her neck, his hands slipped under her shirt against her stomach. “Happy?” he whispered.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she leaned back and sighed. “I think so,” she murmured. “I certainly never expected this when I met you.”

“Believe me, I never expected this either.” He pressed a kiss to her ear and moved away to take her hand. “Come on. This is a private beach, so we have it all to ourselves.”

“A private beach? Who owns it?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she closed her eyes and sighed. “Let me guess. It’s yours.”

“I can already see the wheels in your head turning,” he chuckled as he led her towards the rocky barrier. “It is family property. We used to vacation here when I was younger, although I never appreciated it then as much as I do now. Must be the company. Come on.”

Jarik climbed up the wet boulder and turned to her. “Take my hand. I promise the view is magnificent on this side, but the rocks are slick.”

Feeling strange, she reached out to take his hand. His grip was warm and strong, and she knew that he wouldn’t let her go.

Physically and emotionally.

Tags: Leslie North Shadid Sheikhs Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024