The Dating Game (Alphalicious Billionaires 5) - Page 19

“Yeah. It’s from him.”

“What does it say?” She reached over, trying to wrestle the phone away, but Muffy held it out of reach.

She turned the screen, knowing she wouldn’t have a moment of peace otherwise. “It says that he had a good time and he really wants to see me again. He wants to know if Sunday works.”

“Sunday? Like not Saturday, but Sunday, Sunday?”

“I guess so. That’s the only Sunday I know of.”

“Oh. My. God.” Carla giggled. “Please do me a favor and bang him at his place.”

“B-bang him? No! Not on date two! I don’t do things like that on date two.”

“He must not be that hot then.”

“He’s hot, thank you very much.”

“You should have done it on date one then.”

“Stop!” Muffy tucked her phone back into her jacket pocket. “I’m going to bed.”

“Sweet dreams. About banging him. And licking his balls.”

“Carla!” Muffy felt like stuffing that tub of ice cream right into her best friend’s face, but she knew she was smiling. She was probably smiling like an idiot as she made her dramatic exit out of the room.

She realized that she’d reached a new low because even if she was grinning like a total dork, she didn’t actually mind it one bit.



“She found out that you had no money after you ate, and she still wanted to go out with you?” Jay’s mouth hung open.

Alex rolled his eyes. He stuck his feet up on his friend’s coffee table, socks and all, mostly because he knew Jay was extremely OCD when it came to smelly socks and coffee tables. He was probably like that too if he was honest, but this was his friend’s coffee table and not his. So, that made it ok, especially if it annoyed the hell out of Jay.

Alex watched his friend’s eyes track to his offending socks, which were seriously not smelly at all. Jay’s face reddened a little and his eyes bugged out. It looked like he was going to start smoking out of his ears any second. Mission successful. But Alex took pity on the bastard and removed his feet.

“Yeah. I took her to the field.”

“The field? You mean she let you drive her all the way out of town?”

“Yeah. She liked it.”

“Stars. She liked stars?”

“Yup. She thought it was amazing. I could tell she wasn’t just faking it either. She was really into it. She paid for dinner and she didn’t give two shits about having to do it. She might have been a little embarrassed because I acted extremely ashamed about it just to make her uncomfortable and to sell it, but yeah… I asked her if she wanted to go for a drive after and she said yes.”

“In the beater you bought?”


“And you made it out of there and back?”

“In one piece.”

“And you texted her and asked if she wanted to go out with you again and she said yes, even though she knows you’re a broke ass who takes a girl out for dinner, sticks her with the tab, owns a piece of shit truck that barely runs, and has to be the world’s cheapest date to take her to some trashy field to stare at the sky?”

“Yes. I’m seeing her again tomorrow. I texted her last night.”

Jay shook his head. “And you’re sure she’s real? Maybe you just paid some girl off to go along with the whole thing to make me think I lost the bet.”

“Would I do that kind of thing? You know that I take a challenge seriously. You can’t just drop something like this on me and then I go to all this work and you accuse me of cheating. I don’t roll that way. I play by the rules.”

Jay hedged. “Yeah,” he finally admitted. “I guess I do know that. You always were way too straight-laced. You probably wouldn’t even think of paying someone off to make me think I lost. It’s your ultra-nice nature.”

“I’m not that nice. I put my feet on your coffee table just because I know you hate it and it will piss you off.” Alex pointed to the spot where his feet had been. “Look. I think there’s a greasy sweat mark in the shape of my feet right there.”

Jay practically steamed. The guy looked different out of work, dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Just like he probably looked different out of a suit too. Over the years, Alex had seen Jay at his worst and his best. He’d done the same. The foot on the coffee table was a minor thing. Jay wasn’t actually a terrible friend. He was a smart guy and Alex almost found himself wishing that things would work out with Muffy and maybe she’d have a friend she could set the poor bastard up with.

That would never happen though because Muffy wasn’t real. Oh, she was real, but he wasn’t. He was the shit. She was relationship material, but he wasn’t. The whole thing was a bet. She’d never find out because he would break it off before it really mattered. Before he could hurt her.

Tags: Lindsey Hart Alphalicious Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024