The Dating Game (Alphalicious Billionaires 5) - Page 37

His hands fumbled with her jacket as his tongue stroked hers. He finally got the zipper undone and pulled away just enough to shed the puffy coat from her shoulders. When his hands slid up her shirt, scalding hot on her skin, she didn’t tell him no. When they tugged at her blouse, she raised her arms to let him tug it over her head. He attacked her tank top and that disappeared too. Her bra was next and when he struggled with the clips, she reached behind her back and undid them for him.

“Definitely with whipped cream,” Alex panted, as he stared at the rounded globes of her breasts.

It wasn’t cold in the place, but her nipples were definitely sticking straight out. He brushed against the sensitive peaks, the cotton of his shirt sending a zing of jagged lightning sizzling through her and she let out a gasp of breath right next to his ear.

There were a few warning bells that went off in her head, but then, Alex leaned in and palmed her breast. He ran his thumb over the hard peak of her nipple and all those alarms took a back seat to the hello, oh my dear lord, sensations flooding her body.

“If you take off these jeans, I promise to make us the best hot chocolate in the world after. Even better than the last cup I made.”

“Were you holding out on me?” Muffy rasped as her hands flew to the button of her jeans.


She giggled, and it was high pitched and nervous, but Alex didn’t care. He smiled back at her a genuine smile filled with heat that made her stomach do flip flops.

“What will you do if you take off your jeans?”

He hesitated. “I wasn’t sure you wanted to make this about me.”

Muffy’s cheeks heated up. “Of course I want to make this about you. I want to lick whipped cream off you this time. It’s only fair.” Her eyes roved his chest. “I’m pretty sure that underneath that t-shirt, you’re pretty damn spectacular.”

“I don’t know about that. Maybe just one shade or two better than average.”

“Yeah right. Let’s see.”

Her hands attacked the hem of his shirt, peeling it up over his chest. Muffy stared in shock and awe at the god like body in front of her. Holy shit. Average, my ass. Alex’s naked chest was straight up intimidating. He was beyond hard. If there was a picture dictionary for adults, his damn chest would probably be there with a close up, zoomed in image.

Each pec could qualify. Each bicep. Each ridged ab. Muffy didn’t even know what those bumps were on Alex’s arm. Like, what the muscle was actually called. Fantastic. That’s what their name should have been. All that corded muscle shouldn’t belong to one man. Seeing him without a shirt on only made his square jaw that much more defined, his neck that much thicker. The veins that ran the length of his arms and stood out just a little in his lower abs… yeah. To hell with the whipped cream, they were good enough to lick all on their own.

“Holy shit,” she breathed. “Can I change my mind? I just want to lick you. I don’t need any whipped cream.”

To her surprise, a hint of pink appeared just above Alex’s fantastic cheekbones. It made something in Muffy’s chest hurt, seeing the flash of doubt in his eyes. Seriously, how could a guy who looked that good doubt himself?

Her hands hit his jeans. She was going to banish that self-doubt the same way he’d banished hers. She’d waited almost an entire week to see him. She’d cursed every single minute of their busy schedules that made it impossible to get together. She’d waited. And waited. And thought about him. She’d laughed at his texts, because yeah, he texted her. He didn’t just up and ghost on her. He’d fixed the Steve sized hole in her chest and stitched her wounded pride back together.

She didn’t know who had hurt him or what they’d said. She knew that she wanted to find them and either let out a torrent of curses, or thank them, for not realizing what they had when they had it and giving her such a gift.

Yeah, they’d only been together a little more than a week, but she already knew that Alex was a gift. A serious, rare find. He was nice. He cared about other people. He didn’t have an over-inflated ego. He treated her with respect. He looked at her, already, like she was the only woman on the planet, even though she knew that there were probably a million better looking women out there. No one had ever looked at her like that. She hadn’t missed the way Alex’s eyes lit up when he first saw her at the pub. He’d looked at her that way the first time he’d ever seen her. She wanted him to keep looking at her like that. It did something to her chest that she really, really loved and feared at the same time.

Tags: Lindsey Hart Alphalicious Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024