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The Dating Game (Alphalicious Billionaires 5)

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She was overwhelmed, as her fingers finally freed the button on Alex’s jean and tugged down the zipper, at how right it felt to be with him. This didn’t feel like date number three, or whatever date number they were actually on. It felt like they’d been together for years, but in a good way, like they were a couple that actually still like each other and hadn’t lost that fire they’d had since the beginning.

Alex’s hands captured hers and she ceased trying to tug his jeans and boxers down. “What are you thinking about? I can see that you’re thinking about something and if you’re having doubts about this, we don’t have to do this. Not until you’re ready.”

“Hell no,” she rasped, because she could barely talk, her throat was so thick with desire. “I can’t imagine not doing this. If we don’t do this, I think that I might… uh… well, I’ll probably either spontaneously combust or die on the spot.”

Alex’s fingers tightened around hers. They stayed that way for a minute before he let out a hard breath and helped her tug his jeans down his legs. He left his boxers on though, the same way he’d left her panties alone.

“Can’t have you catching on fire,” Alex said thickly as he scooped her up into his strong arms. He held her against his chest as he carried her through the living room, down the short hall, and into his bedroom. It was dark and he didn’t bother turning on the lights. “I don’t want to be responsible for the fire department coming out and having to put out the blaze.”

He carried her over to the bed. Her eyes adjusted quickly, and she made out the shapes of furniture in the room. It was mismatched, a tall dresser that was blonde wood, a longer one that was dark. Two nightstands that didn’t match each other either and a queen-sized bed with a padded headboard. It was the perfect bachelor style bedroom. The fact that it was Alex’s bedroom and she was actually seeing the inside of it was like a minor miracle in itself.

The comforter was soft beneath her back. She didn’t bother peeling it back and getting under it to hide her body like she’d done a thousand times in the past. Instead, she let her arms fall to the side and let Alex look at her for a minute. His eyes raked over her breasts, over her stomach and the flare of her hips, down her legs.

“You’re incredible,” he said, and there really was genuine wonderment in his voice. “So beautiful.”

“I…” Muffy giggled. “I’m-if you’re just above average, I’m not sure what that makes me.”

“So much more than average.” Alex knelt on the bed near her feet. He reached out and smoothed his palms down her legs. His hands were so big, so hot, so amazing. Muffy shivered violently in response and her skin broke out in a volley of goosebumps. “I can think of a few words. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Wonderful. Spectacular. Amazing. Incredible. Delicious.”


“Yes. Delicious. Entirely edible. The closest thing to heaven I’ve ever tasted.”

“Oh my god.” Muffy knew that her face was on fire and she was glad for the dark. Her panties were also soaked, and Alex didn’t miss that fact.

He ran his finger up her thigh and her entire leg trembled. When he cupped his hand over her soaked panties, which were cotton and not at all fancy because she hadn’t really expected to be naked in Alex’s bed, she gasped. His breath hitched too. She inhaled sharply, to draw air into her burning lungs and she scented herself. She also smelled Alex’s deeper, spicier, more masculine scent and yeah. Her entire body buzzed. She realized that her mouth was hanging open a little and she was probably drooling. She didn’t want to reach up and check. She slammed her teeth into her bottom lip so hard that she tasted metal.

Alex’s finger ran along her sex on the outside of her panties, but it didn’t minimize the sensation. Muffy’s heart kicked into overdrive. Her breasts felt heavy, her nipples sharpened points that could drill a damn hole through anything. Her mouth was bone dry.

“Should I take these off?” Alex’s eyes glistened in the darkened room.

“Yes. Please,” she panted.

“I remember how beautiful your pussy is. How smooth and soft. I remember just the way you taste. I’ve thought about it all week.”

Muffy’s entire body heated to the point of boiling. She was pretty sure death by spontaneous combustion was the next step in the process when his finger dipped underneath her panties. He stroked her bare skin and she was almost embarrassed at how wet she was. Wet wasn’t the right word. Soaking was probably more on point.

“So wet for me already,” Alex hummed. “I love that.”

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