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The Dating Game (Alphalicious Billionaires 5)

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She watched his eyelids lower over his burning eyes and wondered how the heck she was lucky enough to end up in bed with a damn god. What had she ever done right in her life? She’d done her time, that was for sure. She’d been with more than her fair share of assholes, so maybe it was sex karma, finally coming to repay her for all the shit she’d put up with over the years.

Her breath got shallow as Alex hooked his fingers under her panties and pulled. She lifted her hips, giving him access to slide them down her legs until she was completely naked. She didn’t throw her arms over her breasts or pull the blankets over her. She didn’t even begin the whole thought process about whether she looked good enough naked, whether her stomach was flat enough, her boobs big enough, her va-jay shaped okay or whether she was fresh enough down there. She didn’t even start that mental checklist because she was too busy looking at Alex.

Sex god Alex.

He was looking at her as she was looking at him and that alone was freaking hot enough to start smoke coming out of her ears. As far as men went, he was entirely perfect. He was acres and layers and more acres and more layers of hard, carved, chiseled, toned muscle. She loved the thick veins that ran from his hands up his arms. The smattering of dark hair on them was perfect. It didn’t play over his tight pecs, but those crisp hairs did dust his ridged abs. They disappeared under the waistband of his boxers, which had a noticeable tent going on, and damn. That tent pole, even folded up in there, was HUGE. Her body got achy in all the right places just looking at him.

She should use her brain and think. Think that maybe it was too soon for this. Think that maybe… okay. She was done thinking when Alex ran his hand over her seam, smeared moisture over her seam and brought that finger straight to his lips. He licked her juices off and his eyes closed in pleasure.

Her brain checked right out.

Her body checked in.

He was a sex god and she was no sex goddess, but she was willing to learn. She was willing to let him teach her, show her, do whatever the eff he wanted to her. She already knew he’d make her feel good. He’d make her into his goddess, because he was amazing. She didn’t really even know him, but she could already tell that he had a heart as beautiful on the inside as he was built on the outside.

There was no way in fucking hell she was not doing this.



Muffy watched Alex with eyes so intense it made his cock ache. Okay, it ached all on its own. She was so damn beautiful, it would have to be crazy not to. And Alex’s cock. Yeah. It might be a lot of things, but it wasn’t crazy. His cock knew what it wanted, and it wanted her. It wanted to be inside of her, buried right up to his balls, as he stretched out over her, covering her lithe womanly form with his much larger, harder, stronger one.

Alex put those plans on hold since he wasn’t just going to go for the gold and waste the three seconds that he was probably going to last. He wanted it to be good for Muffy and hammering away on top of her while she may or may not pretend to enjoy it wasn’t exactly on the agenda.

Instead, he dove between her legs. He couldn’t wait to taste her again and she didn’t look like she was going to tell him no. He thought it might be a little too much, that she might think he was some kind of box eating pervert or that he had a pussy fetish. What guy didn’t though?

Tasting Muffy was like rocketing straight into another dimension. He loved her dusky scent, the way she flooded his tongue like ambrosia. He loved how perfectly she was shaped, how responsive her body was to every single one of his touches.

While he traced her folds with his tongue, he ran his fingers down the seam of her. He inserted one inside and was rewarded with a breathless whimper. He circled his tongue over her clit, teasing it lightly, since they were just warming up. He licked her lower, back down to her entrance, where he worked her with his finger, and he felt her whole body seize and a shudder travel through her. Her hips jacked into his face and her legs fell open wider, giving him all the access he needed.

“Jesus… Alex…”

He raised his face and a smile tugged up his lips as he looked into her hazy, pleasure filled, hooded eyes. “Definitely the latter.”

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