Tamed (The Courtside King 1) - Page 94

Kai’s second orgasm hit even harder than the first.

Clearing his throat, he shook off the thought and eyed the door. Attendees were arriving. He tipped his head. “And here they come.”

Remi regarded them, then turned back to Kai. Excitement glinted in his eyes. “I guess it’s time to strip.”

“Yes.” Kai leveled him with a look. “But only down to your underwear.”

“You sure? Because, I mean, if you’d like, I could totally go naked.”

“Thank you, but underwear should suffice.”

“Alright.” Remi sounded disappointed. “Would you like me to put my hair up into a bun?”

“Yes, actually. That’d be great.”

Remi nodded, then moseyed to the front of the room, blowing kisses and mouthing hellos to familiar patrons along the way.

Kai, in the meantime, started the process of setting things up. Pulling out his supplies. Turning on the widescreens. Angling the video feeds. Clipping on his body mic. Testing its volume. Then finally, adjusting the lights. By the time he was done, all his students were present, with Remi dutifully waiting in his candy-red bikini briefs and loosely-tied bun.

“Welcome, everyone.” Kai glanced around the room. “I’m spotting some repeat offenders. Good to have you back.”

“Good to be back!” a blond guy blurted, looking stoked.

Kai grinned, then continued. “Tonight, I’ll be teaching you a brand new Shibari creation. Form a semi-circle and present your rope. I’ll need to inspect it for quality assurance. Rope models can go ahead and get undressed.”

As he made his way around, attendees got busy shucking their clothes, some stripping to their underwear, others baring it all in their birthday suits. Anticipation quickly charged the air, a kind of mental foreplay inside the mind of each patron.

Once finished, Kai joined Remi in the center of the room. “Alright. I believe we’re ready. Any final questions before we begin?” A few guys piped up with some last-minute queries. Kai gave them their answers, then grabbed his first bundle of rope and addressed Remi directly. “Do I have your consent to bind your body?”

“Yes, Sir.”

And, just like that, Kai was dropping into his zone, speaking as he went, demonstrating each step while explaining the reason. Every stage was rock solid in his mind, chiseled into his memory, thanks in part to Breck. So now he was just reenacting their session—which by no means meant the reenactment felt the same. The differences were like night and day. Remi’s skin under his touch did nothing to stimulate him at all. Which, again, wasn’t to say he wasn’t beautiful. He just didn’t flip that switch.

Or maybe Kai’s dick was just already taken. A possibility that he wasn’t exactly thrilled about, but wasn’t exactly surprised by either. His attraction to Breck had never subsided. Not since the very first day they’d met. Instead, and to Kai’s utter frustration, it had only grown stronger. There was just something about Breck’s underlying energy, something magnetic that Kai couldn’t escape, every encounter rousing his insides so deliciously, then leaving him restless, hungry for more. And now, after today’s exchange, he feared he’d inadvertently hit a next-level intensity; the interaction having been so much more than he’d ever anticipated.

His brain shifted to autopilot; his fingers still working, his words still flowing, as Remi and his class slowly faded away.

In truth, he still couldn’t believe he’d accepted Breck’s unexpected request to demonstrate how he would ‘play.’ Nor could he believe that he’d allowed himself to take it as far as he had. He’d just been enjoying himself so much, reveling in the way Breck felt, in the way he smelled, in, God, all those intoxicating sounds he made. He’d been exquisite. Mesmerizing. To the point that Kai had nearly fucking kissed him.

He’d have to be more careful. Breck was far too captivating—and entirely too addicting—to be taken lightly. And not just for the previously mentioned reasons—or God Almighty, the way he’d moved when he’d readied to come—but because of all those vibes he’d been throwing. Glimpses of what Kai suspected might be the real Breck Harland. A side that, for some reason, he was choosing to hide from the rest of the world. Beautiful and passionate. Full of wonder and curiosity. Which now had Kai questioning his initial assessment. All those aspects of Breck that he’d been wary of… Were they an outer façade?

His heart thumped at the prospect. He suddenly wanted to know. Perhaps Breck would contact him about his proposition. In truth, Kai was still on the fence as to whether that had been a monumentally stupid thing to have even put out there. What if Breck had perceived it as some eccentric booty call? Kai’s gut twisted. He didn’t want to merely be the scratcher of Breck’s bi-curious itch. He wasn’t stupid, though, and knew better than to dismiss the possibility. God knew, Breck’s promiscuity preceded him.

And yet, even despite their history, Kai wanted their encounters to hold more worth.

Tags: Kora Knight The Courtside King Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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